(no subject)

Mar 18, 2011 19:43

Invisibile Illness Bingo 2 with Invisible Illness Bingo 1 linked on the page.

Although I did a voice post last June talking about exactly what my disabilities are, quite a lot of you weren't around at the time and I'm not sure if I've been explicit since then (did I mentioned that my long-term memory can be a bit shoddy?) As ever, if you have questions about my stroke, Fibromyalgia, allergic reactions and allergies, or what my experiences with anxiety have been like, ask away! This bingo is near and dear to my heart, because you can't tell that I have disabilities unless I out myself or choose to use a wheelchair.

If you don't understand why any of the statements on either card are probelmatic, please feel free, as ever, to open a dialogue.

(Though not represented on either card, I've always liked "But you're too young for that/to be sick!" As you can imagine, a fifteen year old with a stroke gets this one a lot.)

This entry was also posted at http://cantarina.dreamwidth.org/24801.html. (comments:

but you're too young to have a stroke!

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