I'm a Grognard (French for "Old Guard") and freely admit it. Now, the original term meant old soldier, but in the gaming world it means someone who loves the older versions, or histories, of games past. For example, despite two companies having had the license for it, I still love West End Game's Star Wars D6 RPG. Another point of proof is in my writing,
my second book harkened back to a '90s Shadowrun novel reference, from
2XS by the late Nigel Findley.
This doesn't, however, mean that I'm not willing to view and work with newer game systems, mechanics, or ideas.
My first book is proof that I wanted to hash out new ideas and rules for ideas that have only been touched on, or even just referenced.
But in the end, I look back, thoughtful, possibly aged before my time. I've been an old soul for a long time now, and may think myself older due to my attempt at having an IT Career. It's hard to think of yourself as anything but old when your workplace has gone through a few generations. I want to keep the parts of the old, but still try to push myself towards the new and exciting. Trying to combine the two, tradition and innovation.
Which, you know, just means that I'm Canadian when you come down to it.