Feb 24, 2007 22:20
I don't think any of you need a link to this. I've been thinknig about this for a whiel now. It doesn't sit right with me. On the one hand yuo have a group of worker who feel they are being underpaid for thier very important services who are legaly striking wichis one of the few actions an emploee can take to get action on his or her greivances, and on the other hand you have half the country being held at ransome because they rely on CN for thier goods or services. The government seeed a little too eager to jump in and force the union back to work and I don't like that. Sure they have to have the good of the country at heart and this strike is bad for the economy and bad for many individuals too but you can't allways cater to the economy, theres more imortant things like a standard of life and such. Also the CN workers are canadians too so shuoldn't the government be tring to find a resolution that helps them too insead of just forcnig them back to work? This really doesn't sit right to me. Tell me what you guys think.