
Mar 31, 2009 22:57

   Ofelia danced.
   She danced for the court, she danced for the king, dark violet veils fluttering around her body like silk butterflies.
   She danced barefoot on cold ceramic tiles, feeling the weight of her long dark hair swing around her shoulders.
   Bright laughs mixed with the sound of tambourine, tabla and kamancheh.
   Smiling faces blurred in the firelight as she writhed. All eyes in the room were on her.
   She twirled in circles around the lords and ladies seated on satin cushions on the floor, jingling the cheerful gold coins ‘round her hips.
   She swiveled her head and shoulders continually, and rolled her fingers slowly and deliberately.
   Let them watch, she thought. Let them be enraptured by her exotic looks and her pretty skirts and her bright smile.
   Tonight their king would lie in a puddle of his own blood and they would curse her name.

flash fiction

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