to all the teachers out there

Jan 07, 2007 11:21

note: i work at a catholic school, so this has a religious aspect to it, but still great and actually made me laugh at the staff meeting.

Our prayer before the meeting started:


...On the 6th day, God created men and women. On the 7th day, He rested. Not so much to recuperate but rather to prepare himself for the work He was going to do on the next day. For it was on that day-the 8th day-that God created the FIRST TEACHER.

This TEACHER, though taken from men and women, had several significant modifications. In general, God made the TEACHER more durable tahn other men and women. The TEACHER was made to arise at a very early hour and to go to bed no earlier thatn 11:30 PM, with no rest in between. The TEACHER had to be able to withstand being locked up in an airtight classroom with 35 students on a rainy Monday. And the TEACHER had to be fit to correct 250 test papers over Easter recess.

Yes, God made the TEACHER tough-but gentle too. The TEACHER was equipped with soft hands to wipe away the tears of a lonely or sad student and to hug the child that doesn't seem to fit in.

And into the TEACHER God poured a generous amount of patience. Patience when a student asks to repeat the directions the TEACHER has just repeated for someone else. Patience when the same child forgets their homework for the third day. Patience when one-third of the class fails a test that they should have been prepared for. Patience when the new books finally arrive and there are 35 books for the 36 students in the class.

And God gave the TEACHER a heart slightly bigger than the average human heart. For the TEACHER'S heart had to be big enough to love the child who screams, "I hate this class, it's boring!" and who smiles when the child that needed correction all week runs back to the classroom on a Friday afternoon at dismissal just to say "goodbye".

And lastly, God gave the TEACHER an abundant supply of HOPE. For GOd knew that the TEACHER would always be hoping. Hoping that the children would remember what they were taught...hoping not to have lunchroom duty on a rainy day...hoping for a snow day...hoping for Friday...hoping for deliverance! When God finished creating the TEACHER He stepped back and admired the work of his hands. And God saw that the TEACHER was good.

Very good! And God smiled, for when He looked at the TEACHER He saw into the future. He knew that the future is in the hands of the TEACHERS.

this rings so true. if you're a teacher, you know what i mean.
and now it is time to lie down and take a break because i feel like i'm going to pass out.
pretty positive i'm calling in sick tomorrow. I hate to do it, but i struggled through last week and i've finally crashed. I'll be no good if i don't have the energy to be patient and to survive a monday (especially since it's supposed to rain) with my kids.
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