Dec 18, 2006 06:21
super me. i dropped my phone yesterday and it broke. and by broke i mean half of the flip part fell off. awesome. so i had to buy a new phone yesterday, and the cheapest one they had was $70. i mean, i don't need a camera, or an mp3 player, just a phone. there's money i had not intended on spending.
this is going to be an exciting week. secret santa starts today. there is going to be moderately little teaching time because of all of the activities happening. wednesday i'm going to see "spelling bee" for my sister's birthday. friday is a half day, and i'm going to do artsy crafts with my kids and i get to give them their little presents. hooray!
right, this morning is breakfast with santa and i'm an elf. unfortunately, this means i'm missing out on 45 min of prep time in the morning, so i need to be super efficient.
oh, wait, i left out the best part of this week. on saturday I'M GOING TO HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!
so pumped to fly for 17 hours, see ashley, explore a country i've never seen, fly home 17 hours and be ridiculously jet lagged for the next week. sweeeet.
alright, need to brush my teeth so i can head to work so i can get things done before being one of santa's little helper.