Day 11- Put your iPod on shuffle and write ten songs that pop up.
Now with bonus links where available! :D
1. Savage Garden -
The Animal Song2. Garbage -
My Lover's Box (the video doesn't start until 0:40 for some reason)
3. Ingrid Michaelson -
December Baby4. fun. -
All the Pretty Girls5. Mat Kearney -
Closer to Love6. The Gentlemen of the College -
The Luckiest (I am totally surprised that there is actually a video for this!)
7. Sarah McLachlan -
Time8. Mumford & Sons -
Timshel9. Regina Spektor -
Apres Moi10. Incubus -
Martini That's all for today, kids. I'm actually going to the knitting group I joined over a month ago tonight, so hooray for being social! :)