once i know who i'm not then i'll know who i am

Apr 13, 2011 13:45

Day 02- Where you'd like to be in ten years.
Day 03- Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 04- Your views on religion.
Day 05- A time you thought about ending your own life.
Day 06- Write thirty interesting facts about yourself.
Day 07- Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
Day 08- A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
Day 09- How you hope your future will be like.
Day 10- Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Ha, this should be fun! First, let me say that my first love and my first kiss were absolutely not the same person, no matter how you define first love. Mmm, so which one should I talk about first?! I guess we'll do first love, since that's first in the prompt.

Really, though, it depends on how you would define first love. If you go with the first person I was truly head over heels for and fantasized about and wanted to be with, then it's a totally different story from if you go with the first person I loved who also loved me back and with whom I had a relationship. But you know me, I'm going to tell you both, haha. So my first love in the first sense was Chris Zusin, in the 8th grade. It's a little embarrassing now how OMG IN LUUUUUUUURVE I was with him at the time, but what can you do? I think everyone's got one of these in their lives. Chris was cute, funny, popular, talented, and smart - and I pretty much thought he was the best thing in the world. I had the kind of crush on him that eeeeeeeeveryone knew about (including him, probably, although I would never have been able to admit that then), the kind where I would play MASH and hope to get his name as my future husband, where I would swoon and giggle over the slightest thing he said to me, where I would doodle his name and initials in my notebooks . . . basically where I never had the slightest chance of anything actually coming of this crush. But I crushed HARD. He was the only boy I thought about for all of 8th grade, and most of 9th, even though we went to different schools that year. I think I maybe wrote about this somewhere in here before, but even if I did, it's worth re-telling. When he signed my yearbook at the end of 8th grade, he thanked me for giving him a good challenge in math, and it remains pretty much the best and most memorable yearbook comment I've ever gotten. We went to different high schools, as I mentioned, but he remained friends with a lot of people at my school, so he showed up at our prom and graduation. And even though I'd moved on by that point and had crushes on numerous other boys in the interim, dancing with him at prom and getting a hug from him at graduation definitely were moments that made me smile.

My first love who actually loved me back and with whom I had a relationship was my ex, Matt. Our entire relationship is more or less chronicled in this journal, but unfortunately was before the era of tagging, and by the time tags were introduced, we'd broken up, so he's the exboy tag. We started dating in December 2004 . . . no, 2003! Wow, that's forever ago. We clicked well in the beginning, there was a lot of chemistry between us . . . it was a decent relationship, but it had its flaws, too. He broke up with me in May 2004 ( blah blah), and I was devastated because I loved him and he didn't love me as much/the same way/whatever. We got back together maybe a month later, after flirting and making out and so on the whole time we were "broken up". Bad call. If you break up with someone (or they break up with you) once, you probably shouldn't go for round two. But I did, and I lost my virginity to him, because again, I loved him, and I felt it was the right time/person/whatever. We dated for another year, before he broke up with me again in May 2005. ( blah and blah. and really any entry from the rest of that summer.) And then, I still hadn't learned my lesson apparently, because we continued to sporadically see each other and sleep together for the first couple months of that summer, until I finally cut him out of my life because I couldn't take the back and forth of 'he really hurt me but sometimes we have fun together and I like the sex'. Obviously, there's a lot more detail to that story, but basically, that relationship taught me a lot about what I wanted and needed in relationships, and what wasn't enough for me, and that I shouldn't settle for a situation where my needs weren't being met. I mean, it took me a long time to learn all of this, but I did eventually, and I hold no ill will towards Matt.

Wee, and now I get to talk about my first kiss. I could probably lj-cut this entry, but I won't. I think this stuff is fun to talk about (and hopefully to read about!) so no cut for you! Well, first, you should know that I didn't get my first kiss until I was 17, almost 18, after I'd graduated from high school. I know. So the summer after graduation, I worked at a small grocery store, and there was a cashier there I thought was kind of cute, and we flirted for a bit, and he asked me out. Oh lord, and because I started my LJ in 2002, a couple months before I graduated, there is actually virtual evidence of all of this. Reading the entry about when Bob first asked me out is so hilariously awkward in a teenage dating sort of way. So we hung out a couple of times and then I invited him over for my parents' Fourth of July barbecue. At the end of the night, I walked him out, and he kissed me on my front walk before he left. It was a pretty quick kiss, I think, but it was a kiss, and I was excited to have finally gotten it. Yes, yes, you can read all about that, too. I know, I was really awkward as a teenager, it's okay. In retrospect, Bob was actually a kind of terrible kisser - always really wet and sloppy - but for a first kiss, it wasn't bad, and I was happy with it at the time.

So yeah, there's my story of my first love(s) and my first kiss. That was kind of fun! I want to hear someone else's stories about their firsts! :) But now, I really should get back to work! :p

first kiss, exboy, love, 30 day words

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