Sorry, I'm kind of failing at staying on track with this daily photo thing lately. Yesterday, I blame on the fact that I wanted to post a specific picture from a specific trip, only a) that photo does not yet exist in digital form, only physical, and b) we didn't have a chance for Brad to show me how to play with the scanner to scan it in. I went and got out a bunch of photo albums to find that picture and look for other pics to scan in, and discovered that the picture I was thinking of I had used in the scrapbook I made for Sarah for her birthday two years ago. Which means, um, that I can't scan it anyway. Soooo basically, I fail at the photo meme for yesterday. Oops.
Anyway! Here we go today.
Day 11: a photo of a night you loved.
Day 12: a photo of when you were happy.
Day 13: a photo of one of your favorite movies.
Day 14: a photo of your best friend (s).
Day 15: a photo of you and a family member.
Day 16: a photo from your childhood.
Day 17: a photo from a trip you'll never forget.
So, this trip was the most recent in a series of roadtrips that Sarah and I have taken together. This was summer 2009, a couple weeks before I moved up to Canada, and we decided we needed another roadtrip before I ran away. We had already done east (which is the trip I wanted to post a picture of), north, west and made a disastrous attempt at southeast once, so we decided to just go south, and take the highway down to Baltimore. This picture in particular reminds me of one of my favorite parts of the trip. When you take I-95 down through Maryland, at one point you cross this bridge (seen here in my picture). When you're going south on that bridge, on the opposite bank you can see a house in the middle of all the trees, and I have always always loved that house. (I remember seeing it on our drives down to Florida as a child, so when I say always, I really mean always.) Anyway, on this trip, Sarah and I decided we would take the first exit off the highway once we crossed the bridge and try to find this house! We did not actually find the house, but we found some really cool other stuff and had an awesome little side adventure, and it was still just awesome to be there and see the bridge from that perspective. It was a really fun roadtrip, and I will probably never forget it. See also: reason 4,637,906 that Sarah needs to move to Toronto, so we can renew our yearly/bi-yearly roadtrips! :D
I will write a real entry about Kira's visit at some point, but for now, I mostly just want to share this with you:
It's the incredibly awesome present that Kira got me - it's a kit to knit your own mini ninja!! I think it's absolutely hilarious and I cannot wait to make like a million of them. If anyone would like me to make them a ninja, just let me know; I will happily make them for everyone! :) It's totally the perfect present for me, as I really got a kick out of it. Plus the "age 8+" label means it's just right for me, haha. :D
Okay, off to call Sarah! Enjoy your evening, all!