Chisame hates herself! This is canon. :Dd Although I actually don't think she hates herself as much as SHE thinks she does. Basically Chisame has a lot of issues. In canon AND camp, she's sort of coming to terms with the fact that while she is firm in her beliefs about what makes her happy and they're served her well in the past, her priorities are also fairly shallow. And she doesn't WANT to have a problem with this and never has before, but associating with Negi et al is causing a problem, yes. She's being forced to take part in a lot of things she hates, and she's doing it specifically to PRESERVE her status quo, and then she's not hating them as much as she wants to and she also feels herself getting sucked in further and further. And gah. It's kinda fun guys ;; BUT I HATE ITTT
Chisame doesn't think she's pretty or interesting or special in any way and she thinks she doesn't want to be. To an extent this is true. I don't think she has like, some hidden desire to BECOME
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There are two ways to write Tomo: either all of her I AM SO FUCKING GREAT stuff is a big act to get attention and cover up her hidden insecurities, or it's genuine. I play the latter, mostly because the former is almost omnipresent in AzuDai badfic and I have a kneejerk AUGH reaction to it. XD I also think it makes her more interesting; more shallow, yes, but at the same time "I am overcompensating because I hate myself" characters are a dime a dozen, and in my experience "I really do think I'm freakin' awesome" characters are pretty rare
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Easy peasy--Greed loves himself. XD He has absolutely no issues with what he is. He KNOWS what he is and there's no point in fretting about it, because he's not capable of change, and he's damn strong and sexy and unf. Greed would do himself!
He has JUST ENOUGH care for what others think of him that he gets vaguely annoyed when not everyone likes him, or when Ed calls him greasy or whatever. But it doesn't bother him in a true sense. They're only humans, and what matters is that Greed is Greed and he's good at being Greed.
Yuuma ♥ Yuuma, too. XD She's confident in her skills and looks and personality--I wouldn't say her ego is exactly INFLATED like Tomo's is, but it's very strong. Yuuma has no issues with herself or what she does! :Dd
Asuna is--very much an ordinary teenage girl. One who's perhaps a little more confident than the norm, but not excessively so! She has insecurities, sure. She knows she's not that bright and worries about how strong she is, and she's not always 100% in touch with her feelings and knows it. She tends to like guys who will never ever like her back too. XD But--despite not wanting to be naked in public, THX NEGI--she doesn't really have body or appearance issues. And she doesn't fret THAT much about her book learnin', and she's capable of taking a compliment and acknowledging her own virtues and indulging herself in feeling badass sometimes
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Shirley is taken from the end of the game, which means that she's as comfortable with herself as I think any person can be. XD This isn't to say she's totally smooth and confident--she's not. She's shy! And awkward! And still learning how to be a normal girl and have normal friend and how to be in love ackpbhhhhht
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Mikuru does not like herself very much. She is absolutely lacking in confidence. XD She's not like Chisame in that I don't think she actually hates herself. She doesn't really do things that she totally disagrees with often. She's just introverted and shy and awkward. I suspect that back in her future, she is not treated that well (if this is contradicted in the novels LET ME KNOW lol)--she's of very low rank, I imagine! And she's eye candy and I think she gets treated as such. At the same time, she doesn't have any pride in her body and dislikes the attention on the whole
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Hahah. Shit. This is hard. I'mma white it all out, too. SPOILERS.
When it comes to her abilities, Chao is very, genuinely confident in them and pleased with them. Ku Fei even says that it's not like her to be modest. XD Chao knows she's a genius and that she's powerful and rich and GOOD AT FUCKING EVERYTHING. There is no lack of sheer CONFIDENCE in Chao. I mean, she plans to take over the world, guys. XD And she never thinks that she won't be able to pull it off. She knows she can, because she's GOOD, okay. She's brilliant and beautiful and skilled and powerful. Her belief in this doesn't waver
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Chisame hates herself! This is canon. :Dd Although I actually don't think she hates herself as much as SHE thinks she does. Basically Chisame has a lot of issues. In canon AND camp, she's sort of coming to terms with the fact that while she is firm in her beliefs about what makes her happy and they're served her well in the past, her priorities are also fairly shallow. And she doesn't WANT to have a problem with this and never has before, but associating with Negi et al is causing a problem, yes. She's being forced to take part in a lot of things she hates, and she's doing it specifically to PRESERVE her status quo, and then she's not hating them as much as she wants to and she also feels herself getting sucked in further and further. And gah. It's kinda fun guys ;; BUT I HATE ITTT
Chisame doesn't think she's pretty or interesting or special in any way and she thinks she doesn't want to be. To an extent this is true. I don't think she has like, some hidden desire to BECOME ( ... )
He has JUST ENOUGH care for what others think of him that he gets vaguely annoyed when not everyone likes him, or when Ed calls him greasy or whatever. But it doesn't bother him in a true sense. They're only humans, and what matters is that Greed is Greed and he's good at being Greed.
Greed ♥ Greed.
When it comes to her abilities, Chao is very, genuinely confident in them and pleased with them. Ku Fei even says that it's not like her to be modest. XD Chao knows she's a genius and that she's powerful and rich and GOOD AT FUCKING EVERYTHING. There is no lack of sheer CONFIDENCE in Chao. I mean, she plans to take over the world, guys. XD And she never thinks that she won't be able to pull it off. She knows she can, because she's GOOD, okay. She's brilliant and beautiful and skilled and powerful. Her belief in this doesn't waver ( ... )
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