Oct 17, 2007 10:10
I pretty much hate college. Its highschool all over. except not fun. I'm taking three classes as opposed to 6. yeah. okay. and guess what? they're all on subjects that I'm not passionate about and that really do jack shit for preparing me for the career I want. I don't even know that I want the career i want. but watever. separate issue. In highschool dealing with stupid classes was fine. They were easy. Boring, but hey at least I could collect gold stars, spend all my time dominating the class, in the spotlight. That was the ONLY reason to suceed in boring classes in highschool, just to stand out. there's really no point in doing that here. lecture classes with 100+ people and a professor who I don't even care if he knows my name. what the fuck? college is supposed to be this intense, interesting , passionate experience. this isn't even hard! I can answer all the questions, I just don't bother raising my hand. I've never been lethargic like that before. But I really have no desire to stand out from this crowd. why even bother?