Fic: Not Quite Number One

Jul 30, 2013 23:05

Author: osky291
Title: Not quite Number One
Rating: G
Pairing/s: Canon
Character/s: Leon, mostly
Summary: Leon has always been number two.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 395
Prompt: Rival
Author's Notes: Not what I wanted to write, but what I wanted to write needed research I did not have the time for. So.

Leon has never quite been Number One.

He had entered Knight-training at the age of fourteen, and had been at the top of his class for exactly two months after which Prince Arthur, then twelve years old, had defeated him in a memorable and humiliating match. He had been Number Two since then.

He did not mind deferring to the prince, though. Arthur was meant to be the best. After a while, it became an honour to be second only to Arthur. He had almost accepted his role as Arthurs's right hand man, when Merlin came to Camelot.

He did not notice the changes immediately. Arthur seemed to hate his new manservant. He ranted and railed about his useless manservant during training sessions with Leon. But after a while, the rants seemed to reduce in number till they almost trickled to a stop. So did Arthur's other rants, about problems with the visiting nobles, his father, his duties… Leon realized too late that he had been replaced again, this time he was number two to Merlin.

Being of noble birth, of course Leon did not like to be second to a mere servant. But watching Merlin gulp down a goblet of poison for the prince willingly made him believe that maybe Merlin was worth being second to as well. So he, grudgingly at first and later more easily, adjusted to his new position in Camelot.

Letting Gwen into the equation was not that much of a problem. Leon thankfully didn't swing that way.

Accepting the newer knights was more difficult. He had to share his spot with four new and unusual knights. He concentrated on serving Arthur to the best of his abilities. He did not want to be second to any more people, after all. Thankfully, they were not too keen to oust Leon from his coveted position, and thus Leon was still Number Two.

Agravaine was a nightmare. Thankfully he did not last too long.

Camelot was happy and prosperous for a while. Till the fateful battle of Camlann had his worst nightmare come true, and he lost his King to it. Leon had to step up to stand beside his Queen, to support her in every way he could. He was number two for exactly a year more. And then he was married to Gwen. And he was never Number Two again.

pt 068:rival, rating:g, type:drabble, c:leon, *c:osky291

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