Distractions in the Form of Stupid Ears

Jul 30, 2013 11:45

Author: min7girl
Title:Distractions in the Form of Stupid Ears
Summary:Merlin is the one person Arthur can never beat.
Warnings:None except for them being american.
Word Count:~550
Author's Notes:Miss me? I missed you!

First it was the junior nationals spelling bee. A awkward looking 11 year old boy with ears too big for his head had the nerve to take Arthur's first place trophy. Arthur work for two years to get that trophy, but nooooo. Some freak could accurately spell 'weissnichtwo'. Arthur didn't study imaginary words about imaginary things. He buried himself in latin, french, and German with a side diet of africans. He was a winner and his father knew it along with everyone at his school, but in the end the big eared freak that had the nerve to try and be cute won his trophy by spelling some silly magical word.


The next time he met up with Emrys, Arthur recognized him immediately. Academic quiz competition teams that were worth anything made names for themselves early on in each season with specific schools holding notorious favor for their rigorous training. Arthur was at such a school and again had worked his way to nationals with his team that included his sister Morgana and his long time school mate Leon. He'd seen the footage of Emrys' team. Some public school of no consequence sponsored them which of course made them media darlings, the under dogs against the giants of privilege. Arthur knew better than to treat him lightly after his defeat at Scripts. He would not be defeated again.

He drilled his team right up until the last minute, which is why he didn't notice the sneaky big eared wunderkind sneaking up behind him.


Arthur spun to glare at a voice he was very familiar with. He had seen hours of footage featuring Merlin Emrys. Who the hell named their kid Merlin? Stupid name. Stupid crystal blue eyes staring at him. Stupid Ears!

"Are you lost?" Arthur stared him down.

"I was coming over to wish you luck like a good team captain and sportsman should."

"Are you trying to tell me how to behave at competition?" Arthur mocked.

A playful defiant smile crossed his too delicate features. "Someone obviously should have before now."

Arthur wanted to punch those damn full lips of his.


"Not again." Arthur groaned into his hands. The only defeats in his life came at the hands of one man. Student body president, head of law review, valedictorian. It all came easily, but faced with Merlin, Arthur always came in second. Spelling, academics, mock trials. Took him years to realize the bastard was his Achilles heal, a huge distraction of brain power. Arthur handed the files over to his co-chair Lance. "You take lead on this. The client is too important."

Lance looked confused, until he heard the opposing counsel's greeting. "Arthur, how's my favorite rich boy today?"

"Peachy. You could have told me this morning you were assigned this case."

"Ah, but we agreed to keep work separate from home dearest." Merlin batted his eyes innocently before he twirled his fingers in Arthur's direction and flitted off to his side of the court room.

"Destroy my husband." Arthur commanded.

*c:min7girl, pt 068:rival, rating:g, type:drabble, p:arthur/merlin

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