Poetry Lesson in Progress

Jan 16, 2024 19:16

Author: Shadowspun
Title: Poetry Lesson in Progress
Rating: G
Pairing: Arthur/Gwen
Characters: Gwen, Merlin, Arthur, OCs, Gwaine, Leon
Summary: An errand threatens to reveal a secret that the knights are determined to keep hidden.
Warnings: None
Word Count:
Prompt:584, mirror
A/N: Ignore the first posting of this. I hit the wrong button.

It was just a silly errand that almost revealed the secret. Lady Masterson absolutely needed her silver-backed mirror. The large polished silver plate in her guest room was simply not sufficient to display her formidable ego to its best. Gwen summoned Merlin after talking to the lady and told him to find it in the trunks that hadn't made it up to Her Ladyship's room yet.

"Just bring the whole trunk up. Grab a footman to help you. They looked heavy when she arrived. I think the footmen are waiting until everything else is up first."

"They were probably hoping something like this would happen and some other poor sucker would be tasked with bringing it up." Merlin grinned at Gwen. "I think I'm going to actually pull rank and order Alvin and Simon to do it. They tend to be the two laziest."

Gwen nodded. "Sounds good. Just get it done quickly so she'll stop nattering about it. She's annoying."

"The kind and generous queen of Camelot admitting to being annoyed? What are things coming to?"

"They'll come to my boot up your rear if you don't take care of this, Merlin." Arthur tapped the manservant on the shoulder as he spoke.

Merlin bowed deeply and as mockingly as he dared with all of the guests present and watching, "Of course, Your Majesties. Right away, Your Majesties." He darted away before Arthur's foot could make contact with his shin, grinning the whole time.

Alvin and Simon were just where Merlin thought they'd be, the antechamber of the kitchen, trying to charm one of the undercooks into giving them some fresh bread that was being made for the feast. He grabbed the two teens by the ears and dragged them away. "Sorry, Mary. They'll be busy for a while instead of bothering you. They have luggage to see to guest rooms."

"Merlin, we're taking a break. Those trunks are heavy." Simon whined as Alvin just chanted 'ow'.

"I know they're heavy. That's why you do those first and then do the light things. Really, you've been footmen long enough to know this."

Merlin decided to supervise them the entire time, ignoring the complaints. He didn't pull rank often, but when he did, he made it worth it. He followed the teens with his arms crossed the whole way to the guest rooms.

"You could help, you know." Alvin dared to gripe.

"No. I don't think I can. This is your job not mine. I am to serve the king and help supervise the castle."

"But you always help." Simon frowned.

"Listen boys, if you want to advance in the household, you have to know what your duties are and perform them to the utmost." Merlin ignored the little voice in his head that snickered at him for daring to say that out loud. "Part of your duties are to bear the trunks to guest's rooms. You know this. So do your--"

Merlin stopped speaking as he rounded the corner and surprised Gwaine with his tongue firmly down Leon's throat and his hands on the First Knight's cheeks, holding him in place against the wall they leaned against. Leon had his own arms wrapped tightly around Gwaine. He backed up quickly, making Alvin and Simon stumble as he ran into them.

"Yep. Let's go the other way, shall we?"

"What?" Simon panted.

"We're going by way of the tower." He tilted his head back and pushed the two teens back down the hallway. "I'll do you a favor, just because I'm feeling generous. I'll help. Come on, boys."

"But the room is right down that hall."

"And there's a poetry lesson in progress. Let's go." He tugged the trunk and the sputtering boys away from the snickers he could hear coming from the guest room hallway.

*c:shadowspun, c:merlin, rating:g, pt 584:mirror, p:arthur/gwen, type:drabble, c:gwen, c:arthur

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