Mirror, Magic Mirror

Jan 17, 2024 01:39

Author: Gilli_ann
Title: Mirror, magic mirror
Rating: G
Characters: Morgana
Summary: Morgana has many mirrors, but only uses Morgause's enchanted one.
Word Count: 200
Prompt: 'mirror'
A/N: Canon double drabble

Mirror, Magic Mirror

They've always gifted her with mirrors for her birthdays. Mirrors with gilded frames, mirrors with ivory handles, intricately shaped mirrors to cover every wall. All the nobles, dignitaries, and royals evidently imagine that she is as keen to admire her appearance as they are.

Yes, she knows she is beautiful. She takes care to look her very best. It blinds them all to who she really is now, behind the luscious hair and luminous skin and emerald-green eyes, the low-cut velvet dresses and the glittering gems. They're all so easily beguiled, it makes her laugh.

The only mirror that means anything to her now, the only one she cherishes, is her hand-held enchanted one from Morgause. In this magic mirror she does not see her own reflection, but everything that is ugly and evil about Camelot and Uther's reign. It strengthens her resolve and motivates her in her endeavours to overthrow the king.

Once everything wrong has been set right, then she'll look in the other mirrors, and she'll see herself and proof of her success reflected from every wall: The benign and just Morgana, sorceress Queen of Camelot, powerful, beautiful, and beloved by all the people.

pt 584:mirror, *c:gilli_ann, rating:g, type:drabble, c:morgana

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