Finding the Way

Jan 16, 2024 16:28

Author: ajsrandom
Title: Finding the Way
Rating: G
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Merlin, Kilgharrah
Summary: Merlin and Kilgharrah divine a way to locate the knights.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 403
Prompt: 584, Mirror
Author's Notes: Continued from last week. :)

“I have no idea how we’re going to find the others,” Merlin said. “There are just too many variables involved.”

Kilgharrah thought for a moment. “Have you tried looking in the mirror?”

“What do you mean? If I look in a mirror, all I see is myself.”

Kilgharrah rolled his eyes, which Merlin didn’t know cats could do. “I am talking about mirror divination.”

“Ohh . . . you know, I never did that in my past life. Why would I do it now?”

“You used crystals. Mirrors are not all that different.”

“Are they more reliable than crystals?”

“Yes. Now, do you have a small mirror?”

Merlin frowned. “I think so. I’ll go check in my bathroom.” He walked back to his bathroom and opened drawers. He finally found a hand-held one under the sink. “How this got here, I’ll never know, but I’m grateful it’s here,” he told Kilgharrah as he walked back to the living room.

“That will do. Now lay it here on this table.”

Merlin did so, and Kilgarrah hopped over to the table. “Here are the words to the spell.” Kilgharrah chanted the words and waved a paw over the mirror. The surface of the mirror appeared to ripple, and Merlin saw a picture of Kilgharrah’s food dish in the kitchen. “Say this to end the spell.” He chanted a few more words and the picture vanished.

“That’s amazing!”

“Indeed. Now you try it, using the name of one of the knights.”

“Who should I look for first? Lancelot? Gwaine? Leon?”

“Arthur’s First Knight should probably be the one.”

Merlin grinned. “Leon, of course. All right, let’s do this thing.” He chanted the words Kilgharrah had told him. The mirror’s surface rippled as before and settled on a picture of a bearded man. “Leon!”

“Don’t get too excited or the picture might waver and vanish,” Kilgharrah admonished him. “Make note of the details around him. Gather clues of where he might be.”

“Right. Let’s see. He’s wearing a business suit and talking on the phone. His nameplate says ‘Leon Knight.’ He’s got a ring on his right hand, and stationery on his desk. Ah, the stationery. It says ‘Camelot Ltd.’ I know where that is!”

Merlin ended the spell. “Now I know where he works. This is great. Should we go find him today?”

Kilgharrah opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, Merlin’s phone rang.

pt 584:mirror, c:merlin, rating:g, type:drabble, *c:ajsrandom, c:kilgharrah

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