A Taste of Honey

May 15, 2023 11:17

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: The Taste of Honey
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/s: Merlin/Gwaine
Character/s: Merlin, Gwaine
Summary:. Gwaine waits for Merlin in his little room, with honey cakes and plans.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1222
Camelot_drabble prompt 551: Paint
Author’s notes: I hope to make this a two parter but we’ll see.
Disclaimer: I do not own the BBC version of Merlin; They and Shine do. I am very respectfully borrowing them with no intent to profit. No money has changed hands. No copyright infringement is intended.
Merlin was late. Again.

Not that Gwaine was surprised. Arthur, the wanker, had been running Merlin ragged of late, and Gwaine was getting heartily sick of it. He didn’t think Arthur was doing it on purpose or maybe he was. Maybe he was jealous of Gwaine being with Merlin although it was hard to tell with the Princess. Arthur admitting emotions, any emotions having to do with feelings or even love was just never going to happen.

But Merlin was bearing the brunt of it and looking the worse for wear.

It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, and Gwaine was just about ready to go all in Arthur’s face about it, although he was sure Merlin would talk him out of it. Again.

After all, even though their relationship was a new thing, just a few months old, Gwaine wanted Merlin to relax a little, to enjoy his life, not collapse from exhaustion because the Prat Princess decided that he needed his third best armour polished by midnight or strawberries picked under a new moon or whatever the hell chore he was making up just to annoy Merlin.

So there Gwaine was, waiting in Merlin’s room, having dodged the stink-eye that Gaius gave him, ready to make Merlin smile. He was determined that he’d do his very best for Merlin, that he’d get him to relax and hopefully, not just crawl into bed and fall asleep but crawl into Gwaine and never come out again.

Finally, with a clatter of boots and Gaius’s soft reminder about collecting herbs in the morning and not to stay up too late, the man himself came into the room.

“Gwaine, sorry I’m late. Arthur wanted-,” Merlin started to say but Gwaine didn’t let him finish.

Shaking his head, Gwaine pulled Merlin into a fierce kiss, all tongue and passion. And when he’d thoroughly silenced Merlin, as he pulled back, Gwaine said, “No talking about the arse you work for. Have you even eaten?”

Merlin just shrugged. “You know how it is. Arthur had me hunting all over the castle trying to find his favourite sword and then it was taking out his dogs for a walk, although you know that meant me running as if my life depended on it and then…,” Merlin stopped, and sat down on his bed, the sound of exhaustion in his sigh. “Just a piece of bread and a bit of cheese.”

Gwaine was definitely going to beat some sense into the prat in the morning. But for now, he gave Merlin a swift kiss, then reached over and pulled out the honey cakes Merlin loved so much.

His eyes lighting up, Merlin reached for the one in Gwaine’s hand, but Gwaine held it high over Merlin’s head. Leaning forward, giving Merlin a wink, he whispered into that sensitive ear of Merlin’s, “Naked first, then dessert.”

“Gwaine,” Merlin whined, then gave a huff and began to take his clothes off, still grumbling. “I’m starving.”

Gwaine grinned at that, letting the honey cake in his hand brush across Merlin’s mouth, painting it wet and sugary, to give him a taste of what was to come.
Chasing the sweetness, Merlin licked his lips, then threw the rest of his clothes aside, his boots sailing into some far corner, his breeches on the rickety chair. Grabbing onto Gwaine’s hand, Merlin shoved the rest of the cake into his mouth, licking Gwaine’s fingers as he did.

Before long, Merlin was reaching for a second, Gwaine grinning as he batted Merlin’s hand away. “Nah, you have to earn them first.”

“Come on, Gwaine” Merlin whined again. “Come on, I’m famished and I’m tired. Just give it to me.”

Gwaine’s grin widened. “Be glad to, Merlin, my man.” Wiggling the sweet cake in front of Merlin, he nodded toward the bed. “Sit.”

With a harrumph, Merlin sat down, glaring up at Gwaine. But instead of sitting next to him, Gwaine reached over, pushed him back and back, so that he was laying down, all that naked glory shining in the soft candlelight. Blinking up at him, Merlin’s eyes darkened.

Taking the cake, Gwaine began to brush a coating of honey across Merlin’s chest, a picture of golden goodness painting pale skin, then broke it into pieces and began to feed Merlin slowly, a little at a time. As Merlin groaned at the sweetness, Gwaine was chasing it as well, using his tongue to follow the lines he’d drawn on Merlin’s chest.

Another cake, swirls of honey down, down, around Merlin’s hips, and onto the hard cock now jutting up, begging for attention. There was the wetness of pleasure growing, soaking the bits of cake, and as Merlin let out a little groan, Gwaine popped it into Merlin’s mouth, watching him blink in surprise.

Gwaine chased it with a kiss, tongue searching for sweetness and Merlin’s own unique flavour. Just as Merlin deepened the kiss, Gwaine pulled back, watching him groan in want.

He was beautiful in his need, his skin flushed, his mouth wet with honey and Gwaine’s kisses, and Gwaine wanted to fuck him into oblivion. But instead, Gwaine took the last of the cakes, and arranging the bits around Merlin’s bits, honey and cake and sweetness around that hot centre of Merlin’s.

Licking and biting, lapping up the pieces of dessert, Gwaine’s mouth slowly circling Merlin’s cock, even as Merlin was telling him to just get on with it. But Gwaine wanted to make it last, so instead Gwaine snickered at him, then took Merlin in his mouth, his tongue flicking across the slit, before letting go, coming up to share Merlin’s taste in another wet kiss.

Merlin’s hands were tangled in Gwaine’s hair, but he shook himself free and painted his way down in tongue and pleasure. Gathering Merlin back into his mouth, the taste of honey still lingering, Gwaine opened his throat and sank down, letting Merlin fuck him.
It didn’t take long, Merlin’s groans were loud in the room, his hands busy pulling at Gwaine and begging for something, then shouting out his pleasure as he came.

Gwaine let Merlin shove himself in, choking a little as air became an issue, but Gwaine had practiced holding his breath, and only when black spots were starting, did he shake himself free of Merlin’s grip.

Sitting back, Gwaine looked down at all the painting he’d done, the trails of honey, crumbs of cake, the flush of Merlin’s skin as he came down from the glorious high.

When his breathing evened, Merlin looked up at Gwaine and frowned a little. “I… you didn’t… come here and let me take care of that.”

Gwaine’s cock was painfully hard and normally he’d be eager for Merlin to help him along, but he could see exhaustion tugging at Merlin’s face. Instead, he shook his head. “Pay me back in the morning.”

When Merlin just nodded, his eyes closing almost involuntarily, Gwaine pulled the covers over him. With a light touch, he kissed Merlin’s chest, right above his heart, again brushing his lips across Merlin’s own, then a final kiss to the forehead of the man he loved.

And in the morning, Gwaine was going to have a word with Arthur. Well, after fucking Merlin into the mattress, of course. It couldn’t do to waste all that honey.

p:gwaine/merlin, *c:archaeologist_d, rating:nc-17, c:merlin, pt 551:paint, type:drabble, c:gwaine

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