The taste of Honey - part 2

May 15, 2023 21:33

Author: archaeologist_d
Title: The Taste of Honey - part 2
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/s: Merlin/Gwaine/Arthur
Character/s: Merlin, Gwaine, Arthur
Summary:. Gwaine attacks Arthur, trying to defend Merlin’s honour. It gets a little heated.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 912
Camelot_drabble prompt 551: Paint
Author's Notes: apparantly there was more.
Disclaimer: I do not own the BBC version of Merlin; They and Shine do. I am very respectfully borrowing them with no intent to profit. No money has changed hands. No copyright infringement is intended.

“Hey, Princess, a word,” Gwaine shouted over the sounds of swords clanging and grunting men fighting.

Arthur looked up, then, scowling a little when he spied the very large love bite on Gwaine’s neck. Not that Gwaine was hiding it. It was about time that Arthur got that stick out of his arse and Gwaine was just the man to do it.

It only took a few seconds, Gwaine luring Arthur into an alcove away from the training field before he punched the wanker in the nose. “That’s for treating Merlin like dirt, you arsehole.”

He didn’t care if his fist now hurt like hell. It was worth it.

Of course, the Princess hadn’t gone down, not like normal men would, the git. At least, Arthur’s face, now painted in blood and snot, was a satisfying sight. But instead of seeing that Gwaine had a point and promising to do better, Arthur staggered forward, shouting some nonsense about attacking his royal highhandedness and tackled Gwaine.

They both went down in an avalanche of punches and kicks and hair-pulling, rolling around in the dirt as they tried to not-quite-kill each other but shouting about revenge and dungeons and stupidity.

It was getting heated. Gwaine was no slouch when it came to brawls but Arthur, much as Gwaine didn’t want to admit it, was entirely too fit to give in easily. Solid muscle, trained to fight, Arthur was a formidable foe. It didn’t help that he was also too pretty to be fighting with. In another lifetime, Gwaine would have been fucking him into oblivion, not rolling around in the dirt trying to salvage Merlin’s honour.

But then, he and Arthur had always been like oil and water. As they kicked and screamed and tried to draw blood, Gwaine wasn’t about to give in. Instead, with Gwaine’s gut beginning to hurt from all Arthur’s punches and the pillock’s knee too close to Gwaine’s groin for comfort, Gwaine decided to fight dirty.

Gwaine slammed his head into Arthur’s, not his best idea because apparently Arthur’s head was harder than Gwaine’s. But as Arthur howled in pain, Gwaine grinned, licking at his split lip, and grabbing Arthur’s hair, pulled him into a hard kiss.

That stopped the arsehole right quick.

He scrambled away from Gwaine, wiping his mouth with one hand. “What the hell was that?”

“Kissing. You should try it some time,” Gwaine said, giving Arthur a sharp, challenging grin. “Maybe then, you will leave off ordering Merlin around, give him some time to breathe.”

Oh, the scowl Princess Prat gave Gwaine was priceless. “I will have you know that I know what kissing is. What I don’t know is why you kissed me. And in the middle of a fight at that.”

“Got you all hot and bothered, did it?” Gwaine dabbed one dusty sleeve at his lip. It came away bloody but Gwaine thought it worth the price. At least Arthur’s nose had stopped bleeding but there was blood smeared across his face and likely Gwaine’s as well. “Maybe if you got some, you’d learn that life isn’t just all royal commands but a bit of fun, too.”

“Fun? With you? I’d sooner kiss Merlin than the likes of you.” Arthur glared at him, almost daring him to jump back into the fray.

“Really? And how often have you thought about kissing Merlin?” Gwaine said, trying to goad Arthur further.

Arthur started to sputter, making noise about appropriateness but then his eyes widened as he looked beyond Gwaine.

“So what is this? You both fighting again? As if I didn’t have enough to do cleaning Arthur’s socks. Just look at the pair of you,” Merlin grumbled, rolling his eyes as he looked from Gwaine to Arthur and back again.

Gwaine laughed, sending a dirty look toward Arthur, then throwing his arm onto Merlin’s shoulder. It hurt quite a bit and Gwaine knew he’d be bruised for weeks. But sensing just how annoyed Arthur would be, Gwaine said, a grin on his face, “Merlin, my man, Arthur was just telling me about how often he thought about kissing you.” The sputtering on Arthur’s part was glorious and his flushed face was a wonder for the age. “Not that I wouldn’t mind a threesome but we’d have to set up some rules. You know, sharing and all.”

“That’s not what I said, you buffoon,” Arthur shouted, then stomped away, clearly done with the whole conversation.

“I think he doth protest too much,” Gwaine muttered, enjoying the feel of Merlin’s body under his arm. He turned a little, nosing at Merlin’s neck, then laughed when Merlin shoved him away.

“Gwaine, you are an arse. I don’t know why I put up with you,” Merlin said, his eyes narrowing, then he looked back to stare at Arthur wiping at his face, streaks of red still painted across his skin, and yelling at the knights to get back into formation. “Did he really say that?”

Knowing that he would always come second, Merlin’s denial about loving Arthur a hot topic between them early on, still Gwaine would take whatever Merlin would give him.

Besides, he’d be fine with a threesome. Watching Merlin take Arthur apart could be almost as satisfying as Gwaine taking Merlin apart had been. And sometimes the fighting was just a prelude to something more pleasurable.

But there would have to be rules. Gwaine wasn’t kidding about that.

As long as Gwaine set the rules.

*c:archaeologist_d, c:merlin, pt 551:paint, p:arthur/merlin, rating:nc-17, p:gwaine/merlin, c:gwaine, p:arthur/gwaine, c:arthur

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