Oops nearly went completely title free!

Feb 14, 2009 05:25

Happy Valentine's Day, if you're into that and have a reason to be happy about it. If not, cheer up. Eat chocolate.

I've been swamped this week and I'm so glad it's finally over. On Tuesday I had my kindergarten program. Kindergarten is a wonderful thing because no matter what they do, they'll be adorable and their parents will love them. This does not reduce my stress level at all. It should, but no, I'm not that lucky. Anyway, it *was* cute and it did go very well. In the next two months I think I have three more programs of a major sort and who knows what else. I'm already stressed. Not good.

On a decided up swing, I discovered that the first three series of Doctor Who are available instantly from netflix. I knew there was a reason I'm keeping my membership there. It's been nice to start at the start and catch the episodes that were previously gaping holes in my DW knowledge. I am such a nerd.

Programs always put me behind, so I've spent the rest of the week playing catch-up, pretty much in all aread of my life. Including this one:

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

ladybracknell  gave me the following subjects last week.

I love to dance. I love to watch other people dance. I say this, but at the same time, I am not at all referring to "club dancing" which I am *not* good at and therefore cannot enjoy due to extreme self-counsciousness. The dancing I love is structured dancing. Ballroom, swing, line, Irish, whatever. It is among my greatest regrets that I didn't take ballet as a child.

What I think is fantastic is that dance is so popular again right now, and I get to watch it on TV in not one, but two countries. Or at least I get to watch Dancing with the Stars on TV, even if Strictly Come Dancing is relegated to youtube viewing (inelegant language, BBC, more inelegant language).  Thanks to the TV input, now not only can I watch it, but I can talk about it to other people who watch it too! That makes me feel a bit less a throwback to a prior era.

Oh how I wish I could write! I do well enough with essays and such, but never in my not-required-for-school life have I ever been able to complete a single work of fiction. I start out well enough sometimes, but I always falter and fail. This is potentially due to a lack of detailed planning on my part. I'll have a lightening strike of brilliance and dive in without knowing how I'm going write my characters out of whatever I've done to them. I think I need to start smaller with little drabble things and work up. 
All my life I've been an obsessive avid reader and I greatly admire those that don't get stuck and give up like I do. Thank you, writers!

Music is my life. It's what I do, and I'm reasonably sure that without it in some form, I would die. Although one of my earliest ambitions was to be a horse farmer, ever since I was old enough to be somewhat realistic I've wanted to do something in music. Unfortunately for me, Broadway Star and Piccolo in a Major Symphony weren't to be. The nice thing about music though, is that one needn't be a superstar at it to love it and experience it. That right there is why I am what I am, a music teacher. My goal is that my students will learn to love music, and know that they can love it and have it and use it for the rest of their life, even if they can't sing or play a note.

Never in a million billion years could I ever survive as an elementary classroom teacher. Either I wouldn't survive or the kids wouldn't survive. I love kids, no question about that, but there is a big reason why I have them for an hour at most before I send them away back to someone else. The sweet and well behaved ones are fine. I relate best to them because that's what kind of student I was. Even when I was little I didn't understand why in the world someone would be continually naughty. You just don't *do* that. If I was ever in trouble, it was the end of my little world. I would guilt myself into oblivion. Now, as an adult, I still don't get it. Instead, continued misbehavior just makes me ANGRY. In the short term, it isn't a big deal, but if I couldn't give them back after an hour..... well, I'd be dead or fired.
That being said, I love teaching. I love watching little ones grow and learn and master the stuff I put in front of them. I love having summer off. I love getting a whole basket full of little kid valentines. I love "Miss H, you look pretty!" nearly every day from some kindergartner. Of all the actual professions out there, I'm pretty sure I'm in the right one.

Sparkly vampires are HOT. Scary vampires are NOT. Translated, that means for me Buffy-verse and Twilight get two thumbs up and everyone else might as well be dust (ha ha). Ok, I know Buffy vampires aren't sparkly, and really there are only the two good ones, Angel and Spike, but they're both relatively nice boys with souls and that makes them acceptable. The Twilight boys do actually sparkle, and have really great manners to go with it. I'm all about chivilry, and if a gentleman can sweep a lady off her feet, well, melting insues. Bonus points if they write me a lullaby. Musical sparkly vampires are twice as hot as regular sparkly vampires. 

me myself and i, meme, program

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