(no subject)

Mar 19, 2009 10:00

My friend from Colorado is here to visit, and today we went shopping down town. We're fabric junkies, so we hit up two quilt shops, as well as a yarn store, a toy store, the British import store, and a bookstore. This is bookstore number two so far, and I'm sure we'll hit another. We both got quite a lot of fabric, no yarn (success avoiding temptation!) and rather a lot of Doctor Who merchandise. I got two profic books, the latest DWMagazine, and we each gave in and bought our very own toy sonic screwdrivers. You have to understand that there's only ONE store in the city that even carries any DW toys, and the selection is VERY limited. They'd just got a shipment in and we bought them out. So yes, I'm pleased as punch to flash my fake psychic paper and point my complete-with-blue-light-and-sound gadget at things. Sure, I'm an adult. Really.

Anyway, while at the bookstore, I naturally had to look at the growing mountain of Twilight merchandise. The latest? Cullen Crest rubber key caps, Cullen Crest tote bags, and pens, and the usual jewelry. Team Edward shoestrings. LIFE SIZE CARDBOARD EDWARD and Bella, "angry emo face" Edward action figures. Finally, and I've saved the best for last, I think (with possible exception of cardboard Edward), Sweethearts Conversation Hearts, Twilight edition. They are Sparkle-Tastic, I'm telling you. Candy hearts that say "Bite Me," "Lamb," "Dazzle," "I Heart EC,"  and "Live 4ever." Those were just the ones on the outside of the box. They are reasonably priced too. The DVD release party is tomorrow, and I'm reasonably sure I'm going back for it, so, friends, I make you an offer. If you live someplace (England?) where you are unlikely to find your own Twilight candy, I will pick up a box for you and mail it wherever you'd lke it to go. PM me your address (ladybracknell , I've already got your address, so just say the word). There's a choice of three boxes, Edward, Bella, or the Cullens plus Bella. If you're dying to have a Bella box or something, let me know. It's educator's weekend, so I'll even get them on sale.

Finally ran into my ex-roommate Chantelle after knowing she's worked at the bookstore for ages. She just never works when I go, I guess. Anyway, we did the phone number thing, so maybe we'll actually end up hanging out sometime since we live in the same town and all. It's silly that I know all these people in my city and still never manage to see any of them.

I've two memes today, both from gilpin25 .

Meme #1

1) Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2) I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3) You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4) You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. Who's your favourite Twilight character and why?

You wouldn't think this would be a hard question, yet it is. I love Edward because he's gorgeous and sparkly.  I think relate well to Bella, having been the not-quite-popular, in her opinion at least,  high school kid she is, but I think we're meant to relate well to her no matter who is reading. If we ignore Breaking Dawn, then I think Alice is my favorite. Something about her makes her the best friend you could ever have. She is a little over zealous about certain things, but in the end she'll do anything for you, up to and including flying to Italy to steal a yellow porche. I was very angry with her in Breaking Dawn though, but there are so many wrong things about that book that I think the whole thing can be excluded from this question. :)

2. Who was your favourite teacher at school?

Mary Lou Martin. She was my 3rd and 4th grade music teacher, then in 4th grade she started an auditioned children's choir that I was a member of from 4th through 9th grade. She taught me to read music, sing correctly, have good posture, be responsible for my own music and behavior, how professional musicians behave, and most importantly to love music. She is the reason I grew up to become a music teacher myself.

3. What item is of greatest sentimental value to you?

I think it's a tie. I've a picture of myself and my grandma when I was a little girl. It's the only picture of that grandma I have, and she was a big part of my early childhood and making me who I am as an adult. She passed away when I was  nine. I also have, though, my very first American Girl doll, Kirsten, who was a gift from my other grandma when I was about seven. She's a pioneer doll, and I was already very much in love with Little House, so she was perfect and I loved her at first sight. I was an only child for 12 years and she was my best friend.

4. What personal ambitions have you got?

In terms of my career, I would like to get my masters degree, sooner rather than later, but without having to stop teaching to do so. I really love what I do, but in the far future I could see myself teaching at University to teach teachers. 
In other things, I'd like to visit loads of places, such as England, Ireland, and France. I'd like to find some perserverance and patience to go with my creativity, so that I actually finish whole projects instead of starting and putting down and picking back up six months later. I'd also like to find a niche as a Little House researcher, possibly in the area of needlework, if it hasn't been done already.

5. I turn up on your doorstep. Apart from being horrified, obviously, where would you take me to show me the area and where would we go to eat?

I would only be horrified if I hadn't ever told you where I live and if you'd given me no warning of your visit. Just tell me in advance, and you can drop by any time. Of course, I may be the one appearing on your doorstep if I ever manage to visit England. Anyway...
I'd likely take you on a little driving tour of Lawrence first. We'd go to the University and go all around the campus and I'd tell you what all the buildings are for, and which ones I spent the most time in as a student. After that we'd go to Massachusetts Street, better known as just Mass St., and we'd walk around and go shopping, as it's the "down town/main street" type place. I'd take you specifically to the British store and you could tell me what you really have and what is being shipped over for stupid Americans who will buy anything with a British flag on it. I'd also take you by my church as it has a lovely sanctuary and make my friend play the pipe organ for you. For eating type places we'd have to visit Wheatfields, Munchers, Yello Sub (like the song, yes), Jade Garden, and maybe the Mongolian BBQ, and I'm sure we'd find other places to eat as well. Oh, and we'd go to the Merc, which is a organic/specialty foods grocery store.

If we had extra time I'd take you to Topeka and show you the state capital and my school. We could also go to Kansas City where there is more good eating and shopping to be found.

And Meme #2:

Leave me a comment and...

1. I’ll respond with something random about you (probably an inside joke of some kind).
2. I’ll challenge you to do/try something.
3. I’ll pick a color that I associate with you.
4. I’ll tell you something I like about you.
5. I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of.
6. I’ll ask you something I’ve always wanted to ask you.
7. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal.

Not sure if I'm supposed to, but I'm going to respond to what I was given here too.

1. I like to think we're the US and Brit fan halves of SCD/DwtS, lol. And we both get to moan about Len.

I agree. Long live ballroom tv! All three of our judges were pretty awful this week. I meant to post a proper review, but I've had company, so it got put off...

2. I challenge you to write another R/T fic soon. :)

I'll do my best. :)

3. Blue. Because you choose the blue quill icon at Meta, and the uniforms for the BBall band were blue too.

Thanks. Blue is my favorite color. :) Or favourite colour, if you're in the mood to type u's and confuse your American friends.

4. You're passionate about a lot of different things - like music, Little House on the Prairie, collecting dolls, dancing - and you convey that enthusiasm on your LJ posts, which makes them good to read and I also get why you like whatever it is so much. (So you really should write more fic if you can do that.:))

Awww.... thank you. I try and type as if I were speaking to people, except with spellcheck and a bit more premeditation.  :) I think I sense a theme about writing more. I still haven't done the drabble meme.... maybe next week? When my company is gone.

5. I think I've got a badger stuck in my head from that conversation you had with ladybracknell!

That's the badger!

6. Calyndra's your real name, isn't it?

Alas, no. I'm Abby, but if you called me Calyndra in real life, even across a crowded room, I promise I'd respond. When I was just starting to surf around online, I was a prolific chatter on.....what was it called......IRC? Anyway, being a minor at the time, I didn't want people to hunt me down and come find me, so I cleverly disguised myself by making up a nickname. I put letters together until I got something I liked that sounded pretty, and I've been Calyndra online ever since. Apparently CalAndra is a real name, and I think there's since been some video game character called Calyndra, but if you see that name around, 90% of the time it's me.

Ok, it's late and I'm going to bed. Goodnight!

me myself and i, meme, dr. who, twilight

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