SciFi Television! Among other things...

Jul 11, 2008 22:04

Could it be? Is it really? Yes! I am actually posting on lj. Try and contain your shock, please nobody fall off your chair. :)

So here in the States, it was SciFi Friday with a new Dr. Who (Midnight) and the season premier of Stargate Atlantis. That means I am slowly coming down from a television high. It might also be that I have a headache and took excedrin with pepsi. A little caffeine is good, so a lot is better, right?

Dr. Who...
Keeping in mind that this is all of the 4th episode I have seen, I may or may not understand what is going on. However, I have read enough about the previous series to know that Rose on the entertainment screen is a BIG deal. What was she saying? Was it just "Doctor!"? I understand that we have only the three-part series finale left to go. We had the little preview with Rose and Donna together and that looks like fun. Maybe I'll know a bit more about what's going on by then. Those of you who've been watching for ages, is there anything I should know going in?

I don't want to spoil anybody so I'll try not to give anything away. It was kind of like a storyline present, all wrapped up in a neat box complete with bow. Nearly nothing happened in a very exciting way, tying up almost all the loose ends in an hour. High energy, much anticipated. More or less satisfying. Well, I'm disappointed about a couple things, but they can't be helped. I'm VERY sad that this is Amanda Tapping/Carter's last for a while. I'm glad Sanctuary got picked up, but Sam is my *favorite* on Atlantis. It isn't that I don't like the others, but I loved SG1 first. I only really started watching Atlantis when SG1 was going out the door. Besides, replacing Sam with *Woolsey*?!? Honestly, no comparison. He's just one of those "love to hate" kinds of characters. I am glad that they've made Jennifer Keller a regular though. I really like her.

I am going next week to the Madison Children's Museum Annual Benefit Sale to feed my collection of American Girl Dolls. I have some forty of them and when I come back I'll have over 50, most likely. It's great fun, but I'll be road tripping with my mother. That's one of those double edged sword kinds of things. She'll buy the gas, which is GREAT, but she'll also be the one driving which is NOT. You have to understand, my mother drives like an 80 year old. She drives dangerously below the speed of traffic, and is know to flip out if she makes a wrong turning. She actually stops in the on merge lane or while changing lanes without her turn signal on instead of signaling and merging in a normal way because the other drivers "won't let her in." Of course they won't if she doesn't use her signal to communicate until she already has a hole to drive into! It may drive me mad. If I don't ever post again (or review fics or something, since posting is a rather inconsistent thing for me) you'll know that I've either died on the highway, been committed to an insane asylum, or been arrested for matricide.

It occurred to me earlier that I won't be home next Friday and therefore might not be able to watch Atlantis and Dr. Who. I am obsessive enough that this is troubling. We're booked in the hotel for Friday... I'll just have to hope they get SciFi and that I'm there in time to watch at least the late showing. Don't worry, I'm not scary obsessive and I won't die or anything if I miss it, but waiting more than seven days is obnoxious and to add insult to injury, if I miss them I would have to spend money to buy them off iTunes, and after the doll sale money will be in tight supply for me.

I think the caffeine high is wearing off. I'm sure that's a good thing, since I have to sleep at some point. Tomorrow I'm off to the hometown to see the community play. They're doing "Beauty and the Beast," and I understand that my 8th grade cousin is a Plate and my 4th grade cousin is a Villager. I can't wait to see what they've come up with for costumes. It should be interesting. Plus my father says he'll cook for me, and that's outstanding. He's a fabulous cook. :)

I was going to hunt up some SciFi icons to go celebrate, but I think I'll leave it to another day. Anyone know of or have any nice ones?

dr. who, stargate, dolls

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