Don't kill me mom

Apr 19, 2006 16:03

My moms threatened me so I figured I'd update this thingy and keep her happy.

Not much going on in the life of Colin right now. Right now I'm spending my days in chinese class (again) and my nights doing random un-productive things.
The biggest news I can think of is that I've actually buckled down on that whole 'write a book' thingy. I'm not really sure what's changed with me but I suddenly have the focus I've been needing for a long time. More on that later, I suppose.

I'm debating now on where to go for my vacation this summer. I've narrowed it down to my best friend of all times and another great friend whom I've not spent as much time with as I'd like to have. I think that to solve this conundrum I shall have to make charts and graphs for myself. Or I'll just visit one and then invite the other to come out and stay with me for awhile. We'll see.

Been reading an awesome book called 'Brain Sex'. It's one of those books that gives you a lot of questions you've never thought of before and then does a great job of answering them. For instance, it never occured to me that so much of our development is decided in the the first six weeks after conception. Or that a persons likes and tendencies are decided by a series of hormonal surges. Surge the wrong hormone and the baby might come out a little confused. Given that hormones, both male and female, have been used as a safeguard measure to help ensure safe pregnancies and labor for the last 40 years it makes me wonder how many homosexuals and transexuals there are out there that wouldn't be if the medical community hadn't gotten its head stuck up its ass. I think that if the theory were proven to be fact, it'd be interesting to see how all the great and understanding religious organizations out there would take that. So many churches are so big on the whole concept of 'homosexuality is a sin'. Is it still a sin if a persons disposition in that direction were entirely the fault of a hormonal imbalance while the person was in the womb and thus they are they way they are because they were literally born that way? I don't think I'd ask a catholic this question. Everyone is going to hell according to them.

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