Feb 05, 2007 12:53
hi guys. new week. same stuff.
really though, i dont really know why its so hard to write emails and update
everybody on whats going on, but really... nothing goes on. i dunno. i just walk
around day after day teaching the same lessons day after day in the same
language day after day and... nothing really interesting happens. which is a
shame, because i love good stories, but im just dried out of stories. at least
good, happy ones. i think all the stories i could tell right now would probably
start out like, "it was a dark and stormy night, and everything sucked". but
those arent the kinds of stories im supposed to send home. the missionary life
is a censored life.
anyway, so it was a dark and stormy night, except it was actually a really hot
and humid morning, and my zone went to san miguel, the area about 2 hours away,
for a multi zone conference. i saw elder folsom there. so that was pretty cool i guess.
ive been eating a lot of fruity pebbles and cocoa pebbles too, and thats pretty nice as well.
im leading the ward choir. well im playing piano for it. im not very good,
especially because i dont get to practice, i just show up and play, but its okay
because their singing is a lot a lot a lot worse than my playing, so in
comparison its pretty good. but i like working with the members a lot. their like
the only people that consistently let us in. most other people just tell us to
come back another day and then we do and theyre not home and rawr. pop goes the
weasel cause the weasel goes pop. in a robot voice.
anyway yeah, not everything is bad out here. my comp is interesting. and by that
i mean void of anything interesting. like... hes really quiet like me. so we
just walk around and dont talk. there arent any problems, but we just dont
really talk very much, which is just a little boring. its funny, i could write
myself pages of advice and i know the ideal solutions to all of my problems, but
i dunno. sometimes things are just rough, and sometimes things are just peachy.
and right now things are just so so. were talking pi on the sine curve. i think.
or is it zero? i wish i remember more math.
speaking of peachy, this week ive been craving dreyers peach ice cream a lot, as
well as the asian salad from trader joes. all i eat is ramen and rice and
chicken and pupusas and strawberry yogurt. if they actually gave us enough money
to buy food out here my diet would be a little more interesting, but we only get
$103 every month, which is like 3 dollars a day for breakfast lunch and dinner,
and honestly... i dunno. that just doesnt do much for me. oh well.
anyway, sorry this letter is a little emo. i probably shouldnt write home like
this at all, but im not very good at faking happiness, and i dont know if i
really want to be. things are well. but... things could be better.
g2g. bye. <3,