Moving On

Oct 26, 2016 22:46

I am in Los Angeles.

It's not where I thought I would be a year ago.

If you'd asked me then what I thought I'd be doing in a years' time, I would have said, "Halloween, and Tacos and Trophies."

But that's not what's happening.

I'm in L.A., Hollywood to be specific, with Chance.

I like it here so far.  It's only been a couple of days, and it's not a permanent move.  He's taking classes and invited me along for the ride.  I'm thrilled about it, to be perfectly honest.

I'm more anxious about nothin in general than I have been, but I think that's 1) just my natural state, and 2) because at home I was smoking cannibus daily.  It helps more than any perscription drug I've ever taken.  But I also need to take a break, because while it gets rid of anxiety, it also inhibits my thought process (duh).

I'm also doing my best to take a break from drinking. It has become an unhealthy habitual thing, not a fun thing.  I've had a couple drinks since we got here, but I did not enjoy them becaues deep down I know I didn't actually want it.  So my goal now is to only drink when I actually want it, not just because it's after 5.

I don't have a job, which is nervewracking, but also sort of amazing.  We've been here for two full days and I've already begun working on a graphic novel that Rowan (who used to be Juan, but is changing their name) and Cayce have created.  It's a vampire novel, becuase that's just who we are as people.  I sort of inserted myself into this creative process. Rowan is a lot like me in the motivation department, meaning that if there's a good idea and no one else is doing anything about it they will step up and do the work.  I had heard a million times about this story Cayce and Rowan would tell each other at work about their vampiric lives (if they had them).  Eventually all three of us began discussing it together, so I inserted a chracter based on me. . . And then we decided that it should happen. Rowan just said it one day, "We should make this into a graphic novel.  I'll illustrate it." I couldn't have agreed more, so here we are.

I hope more than anything that this project gets finished.  I don't care if gets published, I just want to finish something for once.

I'm writing it, even though Cayce and Rowan are basically in charge of the story.  Rowan is illustrating it and Cayce will be inking/coloring in addition to being a well of beautiful storytelling that inspires me all the time.

We make a good team.  Our strengths are complimentary, and so far I've really enjoyed brainstorming and creating a universe with them.

So, while I'm unemployed and in a vortex of creative energy (seriously, everyone here who isn't a tourist is talent.  We signed up for a gym membership today and while I was being given the tour there was beautiful singing coming out of the locker room.  I thought it was the radio.  NOPE.  Just a patron, singing to themselves.  It was quite pleasant.) I should probably do something with all the energy that has been building up inside of me.

Anyway. That's all for now.
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