Poke. Is this thing on?

Mar 08, 2011 14:16

Hey guys!

So I am still in Philadelphia and still in grad school. Which is awesome and getting really difficult in a good way. It is spring break now. Lovely, lovely spring break. Without all these classes in the way, I can finally get some work done! And possibly clean my apartment.

I wish I had more to say than that, but that's the long and short of it. I could probably talk about social theory or how much I am loving and loathing my classes this semester or how freaked out I am by our impending comprehensive exams, but that all seems rather boring.

We had a formal which was rather...strange, what with the drunken faculty and public hazing of first years, but it was amusing in a weird way to get dressed up and meet most of the people in my department and party in the Lower Egypt gallery of the museum. The afterparty made me feel very old though.

So do people have tumblrs still? I just got one: calendae.tumblr.com. So people should link me to theirs, please. :)

I am still reading every post on my flist.
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