Hello everybody!

May 04, 2011 22:00

So school is absolutely insane right now, and I can't believe I've almost finished my first year of grad school. I have three papers left to write and then comps at the end of the month. I feel like I'm in pretty good shape, but it's overwhelming and I just caught the crud that's been going around. All I want to do is sleep, but instead I have to write about violence and networks and other things depressing.

On the plus side, things seem to be lining up for me in terms of research interests. I'm super passionate about what I'm being allowed to do.

As a diversion from my hideous workload, I've been rewatching Homicide: Life on the Street and it is my favorite thing ever. I even enjoyed the seventh season. Sort of. There were episodes.

But can we talk about Tim Bayliss and Frank Pempleton? Seriously. Best partnership ever. And how it evolves to that hideous, soul-sucking ending in the movie wrap-up of the series? The arc of Tim Bayliss keeeeeeeeeeeels me. But it makes so much sense, I just...sigh. I watched an episode from the 6th season where Bayliss talks about wanting kids and grandkids and then the next day, I watched the finale. And it's just--it makes sense, it just feels so sad. And like it happened because Frank left.

I wish there was more fanfiction for this show.

Also, there should be a Life/ Homicide: Life on the Streets crossover. With Bayliss and Crews. The two zen detectives.
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