
Jan 11, 2011 07:41

I had great holidays. A lot of time with family, a lot of time sleeping and a lot of time not thinking about school at all. So yeah, finished my first semester of grad school. It was sort of painful in a two week burst of insane work towards the end of the semester, but somehow everything turned out alright, even in the classes in which I felt completely overwhelmed. I haven't seen my papers yet, but I did get feedback from one professor that complimented my discussion leading skills as extremely good, which means A LOT because that class made me feel like an idiot all the time.

I suppose this is part of what the classwork is for. To help you realize there is a reason you are here and that you'll be able to get through it.

In the interest of having a more productive semester, I'm trying to get on a regular sleep schedule which includes getting up early, since I am one of those hideously chipper morning people if I get up in time. I think I will need this, since I have four reading intensive seminars this semester. Just tons and tons of reading. Luckily, I love the subject matter.

Anyway, that's what I'm up to. I haven't had time to be very fandom-y in any sense, though I rewatched season four of The O.C. during the break and it is still probably my favorite season of TV ever. Taylor Townsend has my heart. Also, Parks and Recreation is back soon, and I'm super overjoyed about that. Leslie Knope is a personal hero.

Also, it is insane how addictive Netflix instant is. So many documentaries, so little time. Maybe I will make video ethnographies. How cool would that be?
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