St Pattys day

Mar 18, 2004 12:54

last night I got drunk.
OK so imdown on st marks where all teh rock and rollers hang out tryin to hustle my way into the Murphys Law show. I got a nip of vodka so I walk up t these three russian guys.
"Hey you like vodka?"
dumb question.
so instead of selling it they throw their arms around me and start calling me "the smith"
"We drink together, no? we go to da bar and drink you the smith, yes?"
so me and three drunk russians Andre, Alex, and Costa start walkin down the sidewalk yelling and drinking and checking out girls and Alex kept doing the hitler salute whcich bothered me but what was i gonna say to a russian who stared down every guy who bumped into him and when he yelled his russian gibberish you knew he was swearing?
so he drops his backpack and there goes a bottle of wine and he yells and rants and raves..."here I say have a swig of vodka...russians will never turn down a .
hands it backand yell sand rants and raves and smashes the second bottle on the sidewalk and hands my the third to keep in my backpack because im the smith...
we throw snow at people, we yell at girls "Hey, dreamboat!", and when they turn around "Not you, you shipwreck!", OR i WOULD YEL;L "hEY MAM YOUR DROPPED SOMETHING!" and when seh turns around "MY JAW!" and the stupid bitch actually came back and started looking around on the ground!
or if she was on a cell phone and she goes "yes" Alex would yell "Yes for free sex?!"
it went on like this until we got into Brewskys and they bought me guinness, and andre and i went outside and see two monks bitching cause some peoplewere making fun of them. One lookslike ZZ TOP and not the kind of guy you would want to make fun of. Anyway we decide to go into the bar cause its monks for christ sakes how often do you see two guys in a brown robe tied with rope drinking and yelling?
turned out theyre Brewer monks,like they worship beer or something!
we havbe more guiness and this HOT HOT blond chick starts talking to me and she winks and licks her lips and i start to tell her can I go home with you? cause she said she was alone and she wanted me i know it but this guy appears and is like "lets go" and they leave BAM!
I turn to Costa and Alex "Did you see that?! she wantedme!"
Alex wanted her too of course but whatever.
sudenly its 11:30 and im like if im not back by 12 they lock the doors.
Costa is like I'lldrivel you home. im like you cant drive! hes like im driveling you nowwww! so we look for his car for a half hour and he drives me from 7 and 2 to 35 and 6 and i gotta walk all the away to 36 and 11 cause hes too drunk and falls asleep and parks!"
so i walk all the way and beg em to let me in and coillapse from a drunk night with three russians.
remember, offer a russian, or espmore than one russian a drink, and you have your whole night ahead of you my frined.
Happy St Patricks Day!
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