Mar 20, 2004 08:23

I said to my friend yesterday
"If you're white, move to New York City, you'll stay in shape."
"Cause you'll do a lot of running."
I only run from taxis tho.
The yellow ones don't stop!
You could be lying in the middle of the road with a broken leg after being run over, probably by a fucking taxi, and another taxi will blare his hormn right over you and then tell the cop "Hey, I fucking honked! He shouldve dragged his ass outta the way!"
I've seen cabs that wouldn't pull ovewr for a fire truck., that burned my ass. I wouldve beaten the shit out of that guy. If i was in a firetrucxk I wouldve run his ass over and let him call his own fucking ambulence.
"Get your own box of cheezits! I'd yell."
Did you ever notice how many talented musicians are in the subway? they should get together and do a concert they could make a pretty penny.
I'm gonna go to my first protest today, an anti-war protest at Union Square thats gonna move to 23 and Madison. Hopefuly I wont get arrested for exersising my constitutional rights.
Foul-mouths for life!
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