First I'd like to say, sorry for the delay! This week I had my midterm for my investments class, plus I started working two jobs, so I haven't gotten the time to translate lately. This weekend I'll probably start working on the next two articles, and once they're done, I'll be all caught up for the August issue. We'll see how long it takes me, because I have to start studying for finals, and prepare for the JLPT in December.
As always, enjoy the articles!
photoSHIgenic -- Wink Up April 2008
scan credit to
diamondsjack --Iizaa*
I recently bought a new camera. I brought it with me into the waiting room during our concert at Sendai. On that day the catering menu included Caesar Salad, and when I was eating it with Koyama we fooled around and said "This Caesar is delicious! It's good! It's not Caesar, it's Iizaa!" After hearing this Koyama, while fooling around during the concert flipped a colored piece of paper and wrote "Iizaa" on the back. Then the artist Tegoshi returned (You can see his works every month at NEWS Q10). Koyama and I recklessly asked him "Ne, Tegoshi, draw what you think an Iizaa would be" and without refusing he said "Ok!" So what he was able to do was this. Exactly what has his imagination turned into, I wonder. It was too funny, so I snapped it with my new camera. But my regret is... this had to be the first picture I took with it... Afterwards Koyama took the sign and during the concert, threw it to the fans.
On this day, on the illustration subject for NEWS Q10 of "Dinosaur," with lots of confidence Shige began drwaing with his pen and his mood changed. "A Dinosaur, to be honest I don't know what color they were, do you?" "The Dinosaur's ancestor is the bird, yes, Bird [said in English] (the R sound was perfect) is what they say," he said, announcing his Dinosaur trivia. At first the whole staff went "Fu~uun" and started asking him questions but then the conversation became long and as it continued he began to get boring. The complaint about his responses in this month's portfolio... they've been expressed like this?! (By the way the drawing of his Dinosaur was evaluated as "the evolved hamster")
Polaroid: The color of dinosaur is not really the color that we see in the encyclopedia...but, we don't actually know the real color, so they just picked the color at random. What is the real color of dinosaurs anyway?
He is supposed to be Einstein but turned into Noguchi Hideyo. (thank you,
hanako_banako 's mom!)
--Today is a Suit
The Coming of Age Ceremony* has finally come. I say this but I didn't go to the celebration that was held for me, instead I went out to a Coming of Age party with my middle and high school classmates who turned 20. My friends and everybody came wearing suits, and I put on the suit that I wore to my university entrance ceremony which I haven't worn in a long time, so I wore it and left [check translation]. Afterwards I was taking pictures with my digicam but my friends didn't want their photos taken, so during the ceremony I took one of myself with the self timer. At the party, without looking at everyone you can tell that the girls became ladies and more beautiful, and the boys became gentlemen and looked a lot cooler. In life this one day brings feelings of joy and loneliness, but from now on like this suit I'd like to appear as good as this.
*I changed this from what I wrote before, because I thought that what
hanako_banako wrote made more sense. いい is how you say something is good, so いいシーザー (ii shiizaa) is how they would say "good Caesar salad." And as we all know, Japanese people love to shorten phrases, so Shige's on the fly slang for good Caesar salad becomes イーザー.
*Noguchi Hideyo "also known as Seisaku Noguchi, was a prominent Japanese bacteriologist who discovered the agent of syphilis in 1911" says Wikipedia.
*The Coming of Age Ceremony is held in the beginning of January for people who turn 20. There's a celebration held for them where the girls wear kimonos, men wear hakama or something similar. In Tokyo, usually they would go to the Meiji shrine which is located right next to Harajuku. I'm assuming Shige just bypassed that and went off partying instead.
Please read! Side note: I'm not Tegoshi fangirl, but I have to say that he looks ADORABLE in that photo.
photoSHIgenic -- Wink Up May 2008
[translator's notes]
--Miracle Rabbit
Today was the shoot for Wink Up. I was together with Tegoshi and Massu. When the first part was finished I was saying "That rabbit is so small and cute~~" but on the side a scared look came across Massu's face. "Eh?!-- There's a rabbit?! No way, no way!" he said while making a fuss. Tegoshi and I have gotten tired of this already. There are also many people who know that he cannot communicate with anyone besides human beings. Even if it's with dogs or cats, he cannot approach them. He always tells us that he's a really clean person, so this is definitely something that makes him nervous. But this day was different... during the shoot, was that a photo of Massu holding that rabbit?! And also a smile?! (Refer to pg 52) I keep telling Massu to lighten up a bit [check translation]. Good luck Massu. One day I look forward to when other animals and your heart can live together.
While shooting for Wink Up, Shige received a notice that he would appear in the drama "Hokaben." As an intelligent student in the law department, everyone requested him "Tell us law trivia!" The prideful part of Shige roared as he presented his knowledge of law. But the next moment, "Now that you mention it, did you suntan too much and become jet black?" said his manager. And immediately to that "In my case, then call me a cockroach!" he replied without being affected. "As expected from a law student at Aoyama Gakuin!" said everyone, fascinated. That was Shige who lately has been busy all the time.
Polaroid: Aoyama Gakuin University 3rd year student, Kato Shigeaki. I've already become a lawyer.
--Australian Suntan
For three nights and five days I took a bullet tour in Australia. I talked about this on the NEWS page but it was reaaally the best~ But what happened was that a koala scratched me with his sharp claws, and in Japan I got asked by the members, the staff, and my friends "How is your wound feeling?" and I'd tell them "Nah, it's ok, a koala just scatched me." But since it was unexpected and koalas are a source of business, I hugged the koala but then stayed away from it. But it was definitely very cute. This photo is from the boat at Cairns above the world's asset, the Great Barrier Reef. The sea and the sky are both wonderful and beautiful. On this day there were very few Japanese people so I spent the entire time on the deck until dusk. Thanks to that now I'm all black. And I have a T-Shirt suntan. My arms and face are tanned by my body is all white. Ah~ I've really done it. Because of that I think I want to go to Australia again and this time, handsomely tan. What a luxury.
I ended up laughing at the last part. Shige with a farmer's tan. LMAO. I remember my brother had one and it's probably the funniest (and most unfortunate) tan ever.