Goodbye 2008, hello 2009

Dec 31, 2008 16:29

So first off, Happy New Year, to you all.  I hope you had/have a wonderful New Years Eve and New years Day, and that 2009 starts as it means to go on, as a really brilliant year.

I can't quite beleive that 2008 is over already.  So much has happened this year, and yet it hardly seems any time has passed since it was the end of 2007. 
For me personally, I've bought a house, a car, enrolled in correspondence courses, been taken on permanently at work, made some great friends, and watched and listened to some awesome tv and music.

And for the world, much also has happened, some good some bad, but hopefully things will improve as we head into 2009.

I'm spending the last day of 2008 inside (cause it's cold and damp and foggy and my joints don't appreicate it) but I have the fire on and some candles lit, and the house is warm and toasty.  I'm listening to some good music (steve carlson, stripped down at the moment) and I'm drinking coffee (mmmm caffine).  I'm planning on eating pizza tonight, and I have some crisps to nibble on, and I'll probably watch som of my new box set dvds, and try and remember to tune in to the tv for the clock striking 12.  I might even have a drink of something alcoholic.  And then for 2009 it's off to see my familly again on the 1st, which should be fun.

I've also had a lovely visit from my friend from work, Ysabel and her husband Andy, and their 11 day old baby girl, Sophia, who is quite possibly the most adorable baby I have ever seen, even when she cries.  This kid is super cute.  It was really great to see them all, and to meet the baby, and I'm so glad they wanted to come over.  It's made my day, which is strange, as I don't consider myself to be a person particually fond of babies - but this one I like.

Anyway...I'm babbling again now, so I'll leave this here.  It's time to change my cd over anyway, I'm thinking either Sons of Bill, or CCR now...hmmmm...

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful New Years, thanks for all your wonderful comments/discusions and friendship throughout 2008, I hope we can continue to share our love of TV, music and life throughout the coming year.

Happy 2009!

lj, life

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