Yuletide letter

Nov 18, 2011 22:32

Dear Yuletide writer,

First off, thanks for writing for me! I hope you have fun with this assignment!

In general, I like humor, character interaction, adventure and in-character, believable fluff. I'm not a fan of angst, gore, rape, or dub-con. If you write smut (which is entirely up to you), I'm not a fan of toys, humiliation or bodily fluids that have no business being involved in sex. I like smut where everyone involved enthusiastically consents, has a good time and calls each other the next day. I also like gen, so it's your choice. Anyway, on to the specific fandoms.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

So as you can probably tell from my sign-up sheet, I love the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. I'd be happy with just about anything that involves either (or both!) group(s) having what they consider to be a good time, as long as the violence isn't too graphic. Bonus points if Sheogorath is somehow involved. Extra bonus points if you kill the Countess of Leyawiin. I'm okay with pretty much any pairing you want to write, be it femmeslash, het or slash, but if you'd prefer to write gen, I'd probably be even happier with that.

Jem and the Holograms

It's all about the Misfits. Something involving them being horrible brats and making Eric's life miserable would be great. I'd really love femmeslash, preferably involving Kimber/Stormer or Pizzazz/Roxy. I certainly won't complain if you'd rather write gen, though.

Final Fantasy XIII

I'm not gonna lie, I love Fang/Vanille. They're my favorite Final Fantasy couple and my only hope for XIII-2 is that it gives them a happy ending. If you could give them one too, that'd be aces. Again, gen is fine as well, just please don't pair them with anyone else.

Girl Genius

As I said in my sign-up, I prefer to skip the whole Gil vs. Tarvek debate and instead just ship Agatha with both of them and Zeetha. Even the castle approves! Well, of her ending up with both Gil and Tarvek, anyway. I'm not sure how it would feel about her being with Zeetha too, but I'm sure it could be brought around. I mean, if all it's concerned about is her producing heirs, then I'm sure Agatha could find a way to make it happen, no problem. But I digress. Anyway, if you'd rather focus on pairing Agatha with just one of them, or if you'd rather write another pairing combination of those four, or even if you'd rather it be about mad science, wild experiments and adventure with no one getting with anyone else, that's all fine. I'd also like it if Agatha's little dingbots are involved somehow.

yuletide, fandom

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