Nov 17, 2011 18:37
Things I have learned: just 'cause you're level 24, killin' dragons left and right and have the favor of several daedra princes does not mean that you can't still get your ass handed to you by three Falmer and a blue centipede thing. Or fall off a mountain. Or get swarmed by bandits. There are a lot of ways to die horribly, is what I'm saying.
Onto other topics. I managed to get out to the stables today after class and give Sharif a desperately-needed grooming that didn't actually help much. Oh, well. Also, while I was out there I discovered that Darla, Jig and Pippin's mother, had another litter. Well, I say litter, but it's just two this time. Both girls, one white and tan and the other black. They're both chubby and obscenely cute, and I took pictures, but seriously, I may pay to get Darla spayed myself if they don't do it soon. Too many homeless dogs in the world already. Anyway, I'll post the pictures later. I'll also post pictures of dad in his new Dumbledore costume. It's freaking awesome.
I'll also post my Yuletide letter sometime tomorrow. Right now I need to focus on putting the finishing touches on Act I of my script. It's due tomorrow, so...yeah.