Lordy Lordy, Caitri's Forty!

Jun 20, 2021 16:26

I had a splendiferous birthday weekend. I took Friday off and went to go get a haircut for the first time in a year and a half; I ditched about six inches or so and the summer air is so much more bearable. I also went for a dark purple to compensate for a year spent as a salt-and-pepper hedgewitch!

I also set up a birthday zoom with some of my friends in other parts of the country--it was especially nice to see Andrew and Todd, neither of whom I had seen in a while. Todd and I text regularly, and Andrew and I interact on FB, but neither of those things is the same as seeing a face and hearing a voice.

And a funny thing is that culture has acted as though turning forty is dramatic and terrible, but it isn't. (I mean, I have to get my boobs squished for the first time at my annual exam next week, but that's a different problem.) I bought comics and novels, and Scott gave me flowers and a comfy bathrobe (Scott: I really don't understand the purpose of bathrobes, but the NYT says people like this one a lot! Me: Bathrobes are like blankets you can wear!! They're awesome!!) and we've been blissfully lazy.

real life

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