Things I Keep Meaning To Post About

Jul 11, 2021 18:18

- Turns out that the reason I have been So Tired of late is that my thyroid is being wibbly wobbly. So my doc is putting me on a new medical cocktail I'm to be on for six weeks, then I'll go back for more blood work and they'll decide if I should keep on that one or if they should make a new scrip.

- I went to the Tolkien Seminar last weekend and had a blast. It's always so great when literally EVERYONE does their homework and does good work and everything was interesting and fascinating.

- The Uni has decided since things have been going So Well that in the fall they will lift all the room caps and no mask requirements anymore and we'll just trust that unvaccinated students whose frontal lobes haven't finished forming will be on the honor system on this, what could go wrong. In related news I've been reading articles about the likelihood of covid booster shots in the fall and hope the Uni will get on that train.

- We went to Chicago for the weekend. We had the long-planned fancy dinner at Alinea (we originally planned to go last April for our anniversary, but you know, pandemic) with friends. We got the private dining room next to the kitchen so we got to watch professionals go about their business while also delighting in great conversation with fellow nerds. We got the souvenir books which is also why we have...

- ... honestly purchased a few too many cooking toys this weekend. But like!! Breaking down individual techniques and such into steps for various components seems imminently doable. Our plan once everything arrives is to do a run of a few recipes/ techniques on ourselves, and then when we have that down we'll have some friends over!

- Related to the Chicago outting, we had two meals out, one in the aforementioned private room and one where we got a super late lunch at 3pm and our part of the restaurant was virtually empty. So I was well within my comfort zone. We also went to the Field Museum and delighted in dinosaurs and such. I'm not sure if they were doing people caps but it wasn't packed, and I felt comfortable being maskless most of the time. (My mask is my security blanket.) I did appreciate that masks were required on all the public transit, that made me feel safer. 

life after lockdown, real life, adventures in cooking

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