Tiredness and Mood

Jun 09, 2021 14:36

I attended virtual PCA last week which cheered me up in so many ways I didn't realize I needed to be cheered up: chatting with friends and colleagues, getting positive feedback on my research projects, getting to listen to interesting talks. A side-benefit of virtual is working from home and being able to keep on top of email etc. Also the full conference ran different, shorter hours, which in my timezone became roughly 10-6 rather than the usual 8:30am-9pm ish. So in some ways I am less tired than if I had really traveled and done everything.

But I am still so tired!! And I know a lot of it has to do with the pandemic etc. A number of my friends have been talking about having more energy since they got vaccinated and have been able to see people and stuff. I...don't? I still feel tired and anxious, especially as campus ramp-up has begun and we're increasingly on campus and doing things and teaching requests etc. are starting to come in.

I've read some stuff about the lingering trauma of the pandemic, which I am sure is true. But also how to meaningfully reset before what will assuredly be an exhausting and stressful fall??

life under lockdown, lockdown lifting, life stuff

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