went to the aussie group meeting last night. interesting group of people, to say the least. if we could have attained a exact percentage of personality types from fairfield university (coughHIGHSCHOOLcough) and shrunk it to 20 people, i think we'd be dead on. by the luck of the draw, as they say, i'm rooming with the one girl i knew from freshman year. i'm not worried. she's a good kid, i just never kept in touch with her. i'm sure i'll get along with most of them. there's definitely a mix of I'm-Going-Abroad-To-Find-Myselfs, I'm-Going-Abroad-To-Waste-My-Parents-Moneys, I'm-Going-Abroad-To-Get-A-Bitchin-Tans, and I'm-Going-Abroad-...To...-Have-A-Great-Experiences.
i'm definitely having mixed emotions about the entire thing. i won't get too into it, but i'll equate it to freshman year jitters times first date sweaty hands divided by the square root of a hangover.
this is where YOU come in!!!
unlike one mr.
sean carlson, i plan on bringing plenty of cds with me. unfortunately, my cd collection is expansive, not including music on my computer that i've been too lazy to burn. i need YOUR HELP!
there are staple cds that i'm bringing with me. cds that i cannot live without. cds that make me feel happy. cds that will remind me of home. but i would like suggestions for new music to perhaps discover a love for while i'm away. mixes are acceptable, and more than welcome as gifts (i'll give you my address if you'd like to send it before/after i leave). any complete album by an artist that you really think i'll like, based on your knowledge of my tastes, or your full trust in the artist that you KNOW i should be a fan. i want EVERYONE'S INPUT! if there is a person on my friends list that does NOT comment, i will be affronted and abacked.
oh, insert obligatory "where the hell has the semester gone??!?!" comment, and sap about coming home for the holidays making me as cheery as a child (the 19th, by the way. mark the date.)
kathleen m.