Feb 23, 2009 11:49
I have been really sick since Sat morning. We went out for breakfast at Panera and then ran a few errands. I did a few things at the house and found myself laying on the couch not able to move. I told Nate that I wasn't going to be able to do much that day. He understood. I really thought morning sickness had decided to kick in. I couldn't hold anything down. Not even a 1/2 a glass of water. He decided to do some some research and found out that at 7 weeks the progesterone really kicks in so the hormones are really kicked in and everything is all out of whack. Awesome. I was in pain, couldn't really sleep for very long without running to the bathroom. I also cried about 2-3x during the day which for me is not normal, hormones or not. My husband works a 11-7 shift at night so hadn't really had much sleep at all (maybe a few hours) and was trying to take care of me. Finally at midnight he called the nurses's hotline. He thought it was ridicoulus that I wasn't able to hold anything down.
We showed up at the an ER a litlte before 1AM. The doctor immediately ruled out morning sickness and said it sounded more like food poisoning or a virus. After about 5 hours of iv's and blood tests, he declared that I hit "starvation mode". He stated that in this mode, the baby would only be able to live off of what was in my stored fat cells - which is essentially the toxins in your body. He insisted on only drinking sugary fluids for a few days because at least the sugar would be enough nutrition for a little while. Luckily, when I first got there, he gave me an anti nausea pill to dissolve in my mouth which worked.
While I don't have the nausea, I sitll have the diarreha. I was supposed to call for a follow up appointment today with my primary care physician. She is unable to see me until tomorrow. I called out from work and will have to do so tomorrow (if I'm still running to the bathroom every hour). Tomorrow will make the fifth time since the beginning of the year - Ouch!! I am never out that much and feel really terrible, but my health is more important I suppose. I know I have rights under the FMLA, but I don't think that goes into effect until next month - after I've been there for a year. To look on the bright side, I guess it is only 3 weeks.
Right now Nate is groaning and grumbling with pain too. The symptoms seemed to have caught up to him today. He said he's not going into work tonight. But had me call alot of doctors since he doesn't have a primary. Apparantly, he could get fired for not having a doctor's not for calling out of work - stupid unions!! I have him registered through one, and if he doesn't feel better by tomorrow, he can be seen in the afternoon. So tomorrow will be booked with all of our appointments.