Feb 19, 2009 19:40
Hey All, I just wanted to share my good news - I'm 7 weeks pregnant!! My due date is Oct 10, 2009 (same month as when I got married). I don't have much more to say yet as it's still so new. I wanted to try to keep it a secret until 12 weeks but I'm far too excited.
So far, I've been very lucky. No vomiting or nausea. A little queasy the first few weeks, but now I'm fine. I'm mostly just tired and have cold like symptoms (but I think that's everyone right now). Also, I seem to have short term memory. I feel a little flaky which is a little unsettling to me.
I had my first appointment with my midwife tonight. I need to come back in one month for the blood work. She tried to take it tonight and it went good for a while and just ran dry. I guess that is normal early on as it's good to keep the blood in for the baby. She recommended elberry extract for the cold/immune symptoms. She also gave me "The Natural Pregnancy Book" as part of the lend out library because of my food/herb concerns.
I'm off to go read!