NOTE: Unless otherwise marked, everything I write is GEN and PG. Stories with a * have a translation linked below.
The Henchmen's Union's "So You're Evil, Now What?" Introductory Package - Exactly what it says on the tin.
(Now also
available on AO3)
Doctor Horrible and the Embiggening Ray - Every story has a beginning... Even the story of a chair. (Set pre-show by a few years. Moist and Billy. Humor.) -This story has won two
horrible_awards The Number You Have Reached - [PG] Inspired by a passing comment about a specific type of phone call. Humor. Conversation.
The Improbably Horrible One - [PG] Crossover with Sherlock (spoilers). For an up-and-coming villain, trying to acquire a nemesis is a massive pain. Dr. Horrible POV *
Inverse Engineering Series. (Chronological order)
Everything I Ever Wanted - The immediate aftermath of Act III, some retcon, some angst.
Know Thy Enemy - [Het overtones] Johnny Snow's girlfriend is not pleased with his choice of arch-nemesis. -This story has won one
horrible_awards Doctor Horrible's Debutant Ball - Doctor Horrible's official introduction to the general society of the Evil League of Evil. -This story has won four
horrible_awards A Henchman's Lot - For Moist, the status is definitely not quo.
"The Improbably Horrible One" -
Russian Translation by Mediva.
Also, um.... Thank you.
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Mini-Meta regarding Dr. Horrible correlations to WGA strike. Vague 'Penny is secretly evil' theory after part 2. Last updated: October 19, 2013