(Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)
NOTE: Unless otherwise marked, everything I write is GEN and PG.
All stories have also been archived on AO3 Eight Goes Into Nine With No Remainder [PG, dark theme] - Written for fox1013's Gen Battle (I'm blaming kroki_refur for letting me know about this thing) Prompt - Eight and Nine - self-regeneration. {DW}
Fourteen - [G] Establishing a cover story mid-crisis was tricky, but possible. [LJ-Only] {SJA}
In Memory's Fire - Spoilers up to Doctor Who 4.13 Some things are never meant to be forgotten. POV-Donna Not humour. Death-fic. {DW, TW}
Six Months On Earth - [Gen-ish Jack/Ianto PG] Spoilers for Torchwood Series 3 A bit character study, a bit 'meta-as-fic', a bit introspection. Missing scene for end of the series. [LJ-only] {TW}
All The Different Kinds of Sunshine - [Gen PG] *Spoilers for 50th Anniversary Episode* Until a decision is made all options still exist, in potential. {DW}
Cold Snap - [PG] (5Doc) The weather inside is frightful. {DW, Drabble}
Between A Quantum Rock and a Hard Place (WIP)
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 - [PG13] Cross over with Supernatural. Two worlds are colliding and the future of both universes depends on the Winchester boys, stranded in a time not their own, and a strange little man and his relatively normal friend in a strange little blue box. In the Doctor Who timeline, this comes right after 'Blink'WIP - PART 3 of ? up, updates at very random long intervals.
Scientists and Skeletons and Mutants, Oh My! - [PG13] Torchwood/
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra Not all skeletons are in closets, and a surprisingly small percentage of them want to rule the world. Crack.
Galli(mau)fr(e)y - [PG13]
Buck Godot/Doctor Who. Of all the intergalactic diplomatic-slash-mercantile space stations in all the universe, why'd he have to walk into mine...
Hiring Practices - [PG13] Torchwood/Stonehenge Apocalypse. Movie Tag drabble for Stonehenge Apocalypse [LJ-only]
All The Different Kinds of Sunshine - [PG] In her youth, Mrs. Hudson did some travelling. A short first person monologue by Mrs. Hudson, delivered to a John Watson who really should be paying more attention. {DW/Sherlock Crossover}
Classic Who - Mawdryn Undead Series 5 - Reaction Index and Spoiler post Picspam Reaction: Doctor Who 6.01 and 6.02 Picspam Reaction: Doctor Who 6.03 Mini-Reaction: Doctor Who 2011 Comic Relief Special Mini-Reactions: Doctor Who episodes 6.04, 6.05 and 6.06 Mini-Reactions: Doctor Who episodes 6.07 through 6.13 Mini-Reaction: Doctor Who 7.0X Reaction: Doctor Who Series 7 and bits Reaction: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary and prequels, with a few screencaps. TORCHWOOD
Torchwood 2.01-2.03 Torchwood 2.04-2.07 Torchwood 2.08-2.11 Torchwood 2.12-2.13 Torchwood Radio Play - Lost Souls Torchwood: Children of Earth Torchwood: Miracle Day OTHER REVIEWS/REACTIONS
A review of David Tennant's Hamlet OTHER
Multi-Fandom Badass Garment Icons Icons: Doctor Who Fiftieth Anniversary - Nov 23, 2013
A few random icons (3 from Series 7, 3 from Sherlock) Last Updated: February 1, 2015