
Dec 24, 2005 21:55

Thanks to the glorious Kate, I am listening to the MUSIC OF CHRISTMAS JOY. Specifically, I am listening to disc one of the two-disc CD set she gave me for the holidays, 'Horror Movie Hits', which is a delightful collection of suspenseful theme songs guaranteed to make it much, much easier to write about zombies and politics, largely because it's full of minor chords and completely nonsensical progressions. All hail Kate!

Tomorrow, I will be having Christmas dinner with Jeanne and her family. I am bringing a veggie casserole to share and enjoy. It will contain turnips and mushrooms. All hail turnips and mushrooms. It will also contain a lot of other things, but really, turnips and mushrooms are sort of the end-all and be-all for me, right at this particular moment in time.

(The theme from 'Jaws' has just come on. I am full of joy.)

Currently, I'm half-assedly processing edits on Newsflesh, while attempting to explain to Jane that it didn't need a second sequel. (The second book is Deadline News. The third -- this is apparently now a trilogy -- is called The Mourning Edition.) Writing a book about zombies, politics and blogging wasn't bad enough, now it has to be a series about zombies, politics and blogging? My muse kinda sucks.

The stories from this year's yuletide should be going up any time now. Any time now, people. I love yuletide. It's like a big ol' crap-shoot of wacky fannish fun, and there's always something worth reading. Plus, the New Year's Resolutions will be available, and that's even better, in some ways, because you get to pick and choose! Life is good.

I am feeling much, much better, and despite the generally unhinged nature of this entry, I am currently a relatively happy person. I love my friends and my family and my cat, and my life is getting better by the minute.


fanfic, newsflesh, life rocks, mellowness, good things, friends, jane

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