So it's six-fifteen in the morning -- or was, anyway, time has slipped a bit since then -- and I'm at work, anticipating a heady Thursday filled with scrambling to hit deadlines, vast amounts of training, visiting the comic book store, attending my Weight Watchers meeting, and watching a new episode of 'The O.C.'. So basically, if I can survive until three o'clock or so, I can make it through this day with my sanity largely intact.
Having now read 'Ultimate Nightmare', I can say without hesitation that the Ultimate line of books has managed to supersede all other Marvel titles in my estimation. There is nothing finer than the Ultimate series coming from that comic book company at the present time. 'Astonishing X-Men' is great fun and makes me happy, and 'Emma Frost' and 'Alpha Flight' were both splendid while they lasted, but for sheer bang for my buck, give me the Ultimates all the way. Now please give me the new volume of 'Ultimate Fantastic Four' and nobody gets hurt.
Today being St. Patrick's Day, I am wearing a black and white snakeskin-print top, because it amuses me to do so; anyone who pinches me is going to get reminded in a big way that hello, snakes bite, and attempts to drive me out of Ireland will be poorly received at best. Plus it has sparkles on, and that always improves my mood.
Dinner with
ceolyn after my meeting (which may interfere with 'The O.C.', come to think about it -- ah, well, that's what bittorrent and VHS tapes are for); we're going to Appleby's. Thrill to the endless whirl of excitement and glee that is my life.