Dream a little dream...

Oct 28, 2002 07:37

So I had assisted a group of people that I went to high school/middle school with (most of whom were now ten years or more younger than I was) in opening a theatre/zoo out of the concrete manifestation of an on-line Chantry that I had constructed. We did a lot of roving in and through the building, and through the coffee shop connected on the corner.

There were kittens. The kittens were somehow deeply important, although I'm not entirely clear on 'why'; they were also witheringly intelligent. I had to find the kittens, which meant a lot of crawling through tunnels and trying to remember where I hid the secret doors -- having never actually seen the place before actually put me at a slight disadvantage, because I had no idea of interior dimensions.

About midway through the dream, all the separate living areas wound up getting associated AIs. Mine was programmed to sound and think like colubra, for no reason that I quite understood, but his voice was comforting for some reason. Plus if I locked the door, he told people off for not going away and leaving me alone.

Some guy who worked at the zoo was putting maggots in my purse. My AI had just informed me of this, and I was squealing in disgust, when Leela snuggled up on my face, cutting off air flow, and I woke up.



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