Jumping high, cheering loud.

Jul 29, 2002 07:50

So I have now run my first BayCon meeting of the season; more importantly, I have done so with an iron fist, steering and timing and controlling and keeping things on track, all while drinking a milkshake approximately the size of my head. Boo-yah. This year's convention is going to kick so much ass.

I hope to resume filling commissions tonight: my Photoshop seems to be acting semi-normally, and I have the next three ready to go as line-art. I just need to colour them.

Jeanne and I took off after the meeting, continuing our quest to find her a new kitten. We didn't succeed (the adoption center was already closed when we got there), but we did find the new Santa Clara Petco, which was having their grand opening celebration this past weekend. We went in to explore: Jeanne bought a new scratching post for Aki (most spoiled cat ever), and I found...

...my new rat. His name is Justin; he's a hooded Berkshire, and he's absolutely a sweetie. I bought him a temporary cage for the quarantine period, and while he isn't happy about it, he's coping. I'm very, very pleased with him, and with the Santa Clara Petco in general. Their animals are happy and healthy and remarkably refreshing after some of the pet store critters I've seen recently. If you need to patronize a South Bay pet store, I hugely recommend going a little out of your way to hit this one.

I was at Jeanne's until almost ten: Chris joined us, and we had snuggles and Chinese food and ice cream cake (he didn't like the top layer, so I ate his and he ate my bottom layer), and watched 'Prince of Egypt' while critiqueing the current state of animation. (Chris loves me. I can tell because he didn't kill me during this process.) There was DDP and key lime soda, and it was good.

There will be webcam shots of Justin tonight, so that you can see my new babyboy, and probably some new ones of Richard, as well. I need to handle them both regularly, even though they can't be together yet.

I need to remember to renew my subscription to 'The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction' some time this week. I like it too much to let it lapse.

Today is going to be a good day. I command it to be so.

baycon, pets, good things, social life, to do, friends

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