Song: Robbed.

Apr 10, 2012 19:26

This was actually inspired by something aiglet said a few weeks ago. Behold the bitter lyrics of bitterness! I...must be in a pretty good mood, that's when I write this stuff.


They didn't make you Prom Queen; you lost out to Peggy Sue.
It sometimes seems the whole damn world is riding herd on you,
And they say the dice aren't loaded, but that doesn't match the facts.
Someone's lying. Someone's cheating. Someone's gonna get the axe.

Get passed up for promotion, and they say next time for sure,
And you're packing up your things because you've heard that one before.
They can say the cards aren't counted, but that won't excuse the odds:
Someone's losing. Someone's winning. Someone's cursing at the gods.

Someone's pocket's getting picked
        And someone's always up a creek
        And someone's always asking why they didn't get the job.
        Someone's always out of luck
        And someone's always getting stuck,
        And no matter how you roll the dice, somebody's getting robbed.

They didn't take your offer, so you're left out in the rain.
Folks say that there's a plan, but what it is, they won't explain.
And they say all votes are counted, that the outcome's in the wind...
Someone's ducking. Someone's dodging. Someone's shut out in the end.

Someone's pocket's getting picked
        And someone's always up a creek
        And someone's always asking why they didn't get the job.
        Someone's always out of luck
        And someone's always getting stuck,
        And no matter how you roll the dice, somebody's getting robbed.

Fair is in the eye of the beholder,
                Balance never quite resets the scales.
                We're not all getting wiser, only older.
                Success works best when someone's striving fails...

They didn't let you join them, said you 'were't quite the type.'
The fruit's been left to spoil, nobody realized it was ripe.
And they say we're playing fair this time, but just what should we believe?
Someone's lying. Someone's cheating. Someone's cards are up their sleeve.

Someone's pocket's getting picked
        And someone's always up a creek
        And someone's always asking why they didn't get the job.
        Someone's always out of luck
        And someone's always getting stuck,
        And no matter how you roll the dice, somebody's getting robbed.

Someone's always out of luck
And someone's always getting fucked,
And no matter how you roll the dice, somebody's getting robbed.


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