Mar 14, 2012 08:03
The time change is killing me this year. I can't go to sleep, no matter what I do (no caffeine after four, caffeine right before bed, no alcohol, alcohol, no over-stimulation, lots of over-stimulation). I've even tried running laps around the house, which usually scares the cats but knocks me right out. Nothing works. I get in the bed at nine-by-the-clock, and fall asleep at ten-by-my-brain, if I'm lucky. Last night, the stress of "Can I go to sleep in time?" meant that I took an extra hour to go down.
I am so tired. I ache all over. My eyes are burning, and starting to look bruised, thanks to the circles underneath them. I'm giving serious thought to switching to coffee, just to make it through the day without falling asleep in my chair or doing something stupid at work (setting the office kitchen on fire again, for example). And I hate this, because I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm not staying up late earning my exhaustion. I'm just going to bed and having my body say "screw you, sleep is for other people."
We're approaching the point where I contact my doctor about insomnia.
This is dumb.
medical stuff,