Advent #14: Gnome for the Holidays.

Dec 15, 2011 08:22

Title: Gnome for the Holidays.
Rating: PG.
Fandom: Tower Prep.
Synopsis: How are the holidays observed at Tower Prep?


Gabe was stretched out on the attic couch, staring listlessly up at the ceiling. It was starting to worry Ian. He'd seen Gabe sulk before-people who'd only known Gabe for fifteen minutes had probably seen Gabe sulk before-but he'd never seen him sulk for this long. In the strange Olympics of Gabe's life, his sulks were usually sprints, and this one was a marathon.

"Hey." Ian wadded up a piece of paper and tossed it at him, overhand. It hit Gabe in the forehead and bounced off. "What gives?"

If Gabe objected to being pelted with random objects, he didn't show it. "Did you ever read Harry Potter?"

Suki looked up from her biology homework. "I did. Why?"

"They were all at boarding school for special kids, right? But they still got to have Christmas. They got gifts. Lousy sweaters, mostly, but still. Gifts." Gabe shrugged. "Even the X-Men got to go home for the holidays. We don't even get snow."

"What's snow?" asked CJ.

The other three turned to stare at her, all thoughts of Christmas failure forgotten in the wake of this brief, bright reminder of just how alien CJ's upbringing really was. CJ frowned.

"It's not my fault," she said. "I don't even understand what you're so worked up about."

"Christmas trees," said Suki, promptly.

"Stockings," said Gabe.

"Presents," said Ian. Then he paused. "Candy canes..."

"I bet Whisper has a recipe," said Suki.

"Snowmen," said Gabe.

"We could make snow in Chemistry," said Ian.

"Fruitcake?" asked Suki, hopefully.

"Let's not get carried away," said Gabe, and the three of them laughed while CJ-the girl who'd never had a Christmas-looked on in confusion.

Outside, on the lawn, snow began to gently fall.


Yesterday's fandom suggested by dornbeast. To suggest a fandom, pairing, or situation for today, please comment on this post. Only comments on THIS POST will be considered; you have two hours, while I race to catch up.

advent, fanfic

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