Advent #7: Circles of Hell.

Dec 07, 2011 08:51

Title: Circles of Hell.
Rating: PG.
Fandom: October Daye.
Synopsis: What happens when Sylvester drags Toby to the mall?


Sleigh bells rang from the speakers overhead, becoming all the freakier when I considered that we were a) indoors and b) in California, which is not a state renowned for its snow-based conveyances. The crowds that packed the Sun Valley Mall bustled around us with the focus of an invading army, seemingly unaware that they were being assaulted by climate-inappropriate sound effects. Or maybe they just didn't care. This close to Christmas, most of them were so overwhelmed with caring about a scooter for Jimmy and a dolly for Sue that they probably wouldn't have cared if we'd gone walking down the main promenade without the illusions that allowed us to pass for human.

Well. Maybe they would have cared. Most of them would probably assume that we were elves from Santa's Grotto, and we could easily wind up swarmed by parents who were ready to grasp at any straw they could find. If there was a black market in the season's hottest toys, wouldn't Santa's elves be involved?

Sylvester pressed closer to me, looking warily at the shoppers surrounding us. "I used to live in countries with fewer people in them," he muttered.

"As Quentin told me last week when I complained about him abusing the Tivo, we live in the future." I patted Sylvester's arm. "Get used to it. Besides, it was your idea to come here."

"Luna needs new garden tools," said Sylvester. He somehow managed to step closer still. I was starting to feel like I was wearing my liege. "How do they stand it?"

"Stand what?"

"This." The sweep of Sylvester's arm encompassed the entire mall.

I looked at the chaos around us, and shrugged. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, that's all. And Christmas looks a lot like a circle of Hell. Now come on. Let's go get you some rakes or something before you explode."

I decided to steer him past Santa's Grotto. He wouldn't know any better, and the look on his face when he saw what I'd talked Etienne into doing would be worth this entire crummy Christmas adventure. It's not every day you get to see one of your knights playing Santa Claus.

Humming, I led Sylvester into the crowd.

Today's fandom and characters were suggested by ravenclawed. To suggest a fandom, pairing/characters, or theme for the next advent, please comment here. Only comments left on THIS ENTRY will be considered.

advent, fanfic, toby

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