Quick blips, sweet meats, stress and screaming.

May 01, 2009 07:01

Item: Saw the Clayton sleep/phobia dentist yesterday. I go back next Thursday for [purpose redacted on account of dental phobia girl cannot cope before noon]. I'll probably be seeing her office quite a bit over the months to come, as my fear of the dentist means I've never had a filling, and I need several. Everyone was very nice to me, and very understanding.

Item: My dentist is Dr. Mason. Perhaps I shall receive zombie teeth.

Item: I fly to Michigan on Tuesday, and will be back late Wednesday (before spending Thursday at the dentist). I am anticipating next week being just the best week ever. That was sarcasm.

Item: According to Kate and the guys from my comic book store, I'm King of the Lab. I don't mind being King of the Lab. I so very rarely win that particular accolade, and trust me, I managed to earn it this time. Nothing says "nerd" like tagging an alternate-universe version of an X-Man from two panels and a crossover that ended two years ago.

Item: Safeway has brought back APPLE WATER. Clearly, Safeway loves me and is a wonderful magic land filled with joy and the songs of angels.

Item: My ARCs (Advance Reviewer/Reader Copies) of Rosemary and Rue have arrived. There are physical copies of my physical book inside my physical house. I'm going to be giving a few away via contests and such in my professional blog, so if you wanted a shot at a sneak peak, you should meander over there.

Item: Zombies are love.

medical stuff, travel, toby, x-men, zombies, geekiness, food

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